This page deals with characters from the Mega Man franchise, featuring general background information on them and tropes they provide examples of. More specifically, this page refers to characters from the original eight (and current two) Mega Man games, often called the "Classic series". Mega Man Battle Network, Mega Man Star Force, Mega Man X, Mega Man Zero, Mega Man ZX and Mega Man Legends have their separate character pages. The characters' names will be formatted in this style: English Name/Japanese Name (Serial Number, if applicable, though not mandatory).
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| - This page deals with characters from the Mega Man franchise, featuring general background information on them and tropes they provide examples of. More specifically, this page refers to characters from the original eight (and current two) Mega Man games, often called the "Classic series". Mega Man Battle Network, Mega Man Star Force, Mega Man X, Mega Man Zero, Mega Man ZX and Mega Man Legends have their separate character pages. The characters' names will be formatted in this style: English Name/Japanese Name (Serial Number, if applicable, though not mandatory).
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| - This page deals with characters from the Mega Man franchise, featuring general background information on them and tropes they provide examples of. More specifically, this page refers to characters from the original eight (and current two) Mega Man games, often called the "Classic series". Mega Man Battle Network, Mega Man Star Force, Mega Man X, Mega Man Zero, Mega Man ZX and Mega Man Legends have their separate character pages. The characters' names will be formatted in this style: English Name/Japanese Name (Serial Number, if applicable, though not mandatory).