| - When the first creature of impeccable beauty walked bare across the first of Jacint's roads and turned her head to the ivory tower at the same time Jacint's head turned towards her, their eyes met, and for an eternity-wrenching moment, they were each other's all. The two flew together and coupled furiously, for seventeen days and seventeen nights, and for seventeen years and seventeen days she existed as his bride, moving to a different tower upon which he stood every night, servicing every Jacint's every need, as she grew heavier with child. On the seventeenth day of the eighteenth year she remained heavy with the Prince Upon the Tower's child, the lesser demoness gave birth, and in so doing was consumed. This tragedy marred the heart of the Prince Upon the Tower, such that he could not e
| - When the first creature of impeccable beauty walked bare across the first of Jacint's roads and turned her head to the ivory tower at the same time Jacint's head turned towards her, their eyes met, and for an eternity-wrenching moment, they were each other's all. The two flew together and coupled furiously, for seventeen days and seventeen nights, and for seventeen years and seventeen days she existed as his bride, moving to a different tower upon which he stood every night, servicing every Jacint's every need, as she grew heavier with child. On the seventeenth day of the eighteenth year she remained heavy with the Prince Upon the Tower's child, the lesser demoness gave birth, and in so doing was consumed. This tragedy marred the heart of the Prince Upon the Tower, such that he could not even bear to look to see what his true love's sacrifice had created. What had been created was a demoness named Arimbor, a demoness of the Second Circle, whose name (though bearing no relation to) Erimbour's was both unfortunately and uncannily similar. Arimbor is one of the most oft-abused of all Second-Circle demons, for she has no Third Circle patron who will protect her – to this day, Jacint cannot recognize her as his progeny. Arimbor is frequently enslaved – Liger himself was the first to enslave her, followed (ironically) by Erimbour. Though not a weakling, combat is not her focus, and she is seldom able to hold her own against a determined second-circle demon who can call forth minions and allies – additionally, her unique abilities make her high in demand, as well as simply tormenting a relatively defenseless Second Circle. Liger employs her as a living Craft (Genesis) forge, using her ability to give birth to anything to use her as a fertile ground for unholy genetics experiments, or simply to forge new demons of the Third Circle as suits his needs, whereas Erimbour simply delights in vicariously tormenting or playfully toying with Arimbor simply because of the similarity of their names. Other Demons user her affinity for scholasticism and knowledge to force her to be their own personal scribes or memory banks. There are many reasons Arimbor might be summoned to Creation – to bid her to craft things for them, to answer questions (or perform research,) to act as a lover, or to restore (or take) youth and reproductive ability to or from someone – in very rare instances, to provide more immediately personal fertility services. Arimbor's nature is often one of tragic duality, with explicitly conflicting intimacies, such as her negative and positive intimacies towards being bound (both physically and metaphysically,) or her desire to escape her Malfean bonds to freely walk Creation, conflicting her innate nature.