| - Inception is a 2010 science fiction heist film written, co-produced, and directed by Christopher Nolan. The film features an ensemble cast of Oscar nominees and winners such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, and Michael Caine as they travel into the unconscious minds of other people to secretly extract valuable commercial information while the target is asleep and dreaming. Inception won four Oscars in the 83rd Academy Awards, tying the year's Best Picture winner, The King's Speech as the most-awarded film of the year.
- Cet article parle du film Inception. Alors d'abord le plus dur, c'est de se plonger dans l'atmosphère, vous endormir quoi. J'ai fait en sorte d'écrire l'article le plus chiant qu'on puisse faire sur ce site. En espérant que ça suffira. Les premiers d'entre vous devraient tomber au bout de deux phrases et les plus ardues deux paragraphes maximum. De toute façon, vous aurez fini de lire cet article avant 10 secondes (à :: quoi).
- Inception is a Star Trek: The Original Series novel by S.D. Perry and Britta Dennison, published by Pocket Books in 2010. The book tells a story featuring James T. Kirk, Carol Marcus, Spock and Leila Kalomi early in their careers.
- Inception is a sci-fi action flick that came out in 2010. It's written and directed by Christopher Nolan, who came up with the idea for the film ten years prior to its release.
- Inception is the second song from F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon, and was composed by Nathan Grigg. It plays during the scene where Rodney Betters discusses the escape of Paxton Fettel with the F.E.A.R. squad.
- Inception was Atrus' first Age. It was a recreation of The Cleft, but was later destroyed by Gehn's "improvements".
- The Inception was one of General Anc's production/warships that he used in his plan to recreate the Dark Trooper project. The ship served as a construction facility for the Dark Troopers and for his new creation, the Blaze Dark Trooper. The ship also served as Omega's flagship and an escort for The Anvil and/or The Gaol. The ship met its doom at the hands of Kyle Katarn, when the Star Destroyer's reactor overloaded.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Inception]] inception-, stem of inceptio, from inceptus, past participle of incipere (to begin).
- Inception (detto anche Insèpsciòn) è l’ultimo folle film sognato, scritto, prodotto e diretto dal pluripretenzioso regista Cristoforo Nolano, conosciuto per aver riportato in vita Batman ed averlo trasformato in un giustiziere affitto dai sensi di colpa e dalla psoriasi. In quanto Inception è un film sui sogni ed è recitato da Di Caprio, la pellicola ha la lodevole capacità di non far capire allo spettatore medio la trama con conseguente incazzo e fuoco di Sant’Antonio.
- Inception ist ein US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction- und Heist-Film vom Regisseur, Produzenten und Drehbuchautoren Christopher Nolan. Der Film bekam vier Oscars für bester Film, bestes Originaldrehbuch, beste Musik und beste Szenenbilder. Im Film geht es um Träume und das unerlaubte Betreten dieser, was mit einem komplexen System durchgeführt wird. Inception ist auf Platz 40 der erfolgreichsten Filme aller Zeiten. Der Film erhielt weltweit mehr als 825 Millionen Dollar.
- Inception (titulada Origen en España y El Origen en Hispanoamérica) es una película de ciencia ficción escrita, producida y dirigida por Christopher Nolan y protagonizada por Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Ken Watanabe, Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Michael Caine y Blake Lively. Su estreno mundial tuvo lugar en Londres, Reino Unido, el 8 de julio de 2010. Fue estrenada en EEUU el 16 de julio de 2010. En México se estrenó el 23 de julio, en Argentina el 29 del mismo mes y en España la película se exhibió el 6 de agosto de 2010. Obtuvo 4 premios Óscar por Mejor Fotografía, Mejor Mezcla de Sonido, Mejor Edición de Sonido y Mejores efectos visuales. Logró tres premios BAFTA para el Mejor Diseño de Producción, Mejor Sonido y Mejores Efectos Esp
- Announcer: And now it's time for "Bum Reviews" with Chester A. Bum. Tonight's review: "Inception." Chester: OH MY GOD, this is the greatest movie I've ever seen in my life! (snores) Spoilers... (snores) Spoilers... There's this movie called "Inception." And it stars Jack from "Titanic," Tommy from "3rd Rock," Juno, and all the side characters from "Batman Begins." So there's these people who want to find out information about these other people. And they do it by going through their dreams! I had someone go through my dreams once! (scared) Except he was an evil man with claws and a fedora hat. "Cool!"
- Inception is Pure Frontier Wrestling's annual premier Pay-Per-View event. Usually occurring near the beginning of every Summer, it is also used as the PFW's "official" season opening which runs all the way up until the next Inception the following year. It also allows for PFW to expand itself both in popularity and its sales/revenue as its "biggest" event, pushing hard on Character-driven merchandise.