| - The Warblade was created by Elven High Magic alongside its mates, the Artblade and the Rulers' Blade in -4000 DR, at the behest of the ill Coronal of Jhyrennstar, Oacenth, who desired the magical swords to determine the rulers of the united tribes and the new nation of Cormanthyr. In 500 DR, the elven noble and bladesinger Josidiah Starym embarked on a famous quest to retrieve the Warblade from the Twisted Tower with a band of his adventuring friends. He returned in 674 DR not with the Warblade, but with the Artblade instead.
| - The Warblade was created by Elven High Magic alongside its mates, the Artblade and the Rulers' Blade in -4000 DR, at the behest of the ill Coronal of Jhyrennstar, Oacenth, who desired the magical swords to determine the rulers of the united tribes and the new nation of Cormanthyr. Later, in -331 DR, Lord Orym Hawksong fell in battle at the siege of the Twisted Tower, but not before the Warblade suddenly sprang up and defended him for a time, before being paralyzed by drow magics. The body of the hero and the blade were stolen into the darkness, thereafter sought by more than a hundred elves fruitlessly. After its loss, the Arms-Majors have instead wielded Moonblades or one of the six Baneblades created by the human wizard Demron. In 500 DR, the elven noble and bladesinger Josidiah Starym embarked on a famous quest to retrieve the Warblade from the Twisted Tower with a band of his adventuring friends. He returned in 674 DR not with the Warblade, but with the Artblade instead. For a time, the Warblade was rumoured to be in a secret vault beneath a temple of Lolth in the ruins of Maerimydra, in the Underdark. However, near the end of 1374 DR, the elf Ilsevele Miritar was alerted by ancient wards that the Warblade had surfaced to the Realms Above, somewhere near the Twisted Tower.