| - These quests are used to gain favor with the City of Qeynos after betraying into exile. You begin your exile with -50,000 faction with both the City of Qeynos and . You must reach +10,000 (Amiable) for the guards of Qeynos to let you into town. Once your faction with the City of Qeynos exceeds 10,000 (Amiable) you may return to the Citizenship Timeline and complete your move to Qeynos! Do not forget to talk to the faction quest giver one more time, after you have 10,000 faction. He will get you started on the quest series for citizenship!! (Extracting the Defector Loyalty Quest is the Easiest to repeat. If you receive another quest, decline / delete and ask again until you receive Extracting the Defector N.B. - I STRONGLY disagree with this. Extracting the Defector is infinitely faster after the invis-clicky changes. Zone in, talk to the Troll and show them your pass. Go to the backroom, just hail the Captain and run out. Train the mobs to the left and up the stairs, click the tree in the outer area (instant click update) and zone out. Super fast.) Additionally or optionally I would add "Rescuing the Rescuer" for 5k as being very fast (unless you get aggro, then it's a chore!). From Gil's tower go to the sewer cap to the right of the FP gate, go straight across in the sewer to the east FP entrance. Turn 180, jump the wall, take a left, and the ladder is one the right. Go in the door (if you're low level watch the dogs on the left) and down the stairs. The room with the torturer is right under the stairs so stay left. Kill him, loot the chest for the key and free the diplomat on the table by right-clicking his bonds. It is easiest to jump on the table itself and look down on him to click them and the second option is to unlock them. Run out the front door which is straight out of the room and on the left past the counter. There is a bell next to the water on your right just outside the house, just take it to Commonlands and go again. Total time is under two minutes including the flight from the CL bell back to Gil. Total faction time >30 minutes.