| - From all these individual elements, two can be combined to create spells of a mixed element, which contain even more powerful magic in stock. These are Lightning (Fire and Wind), Blizzard (Wind and Water), Forest (Water and Earth) and Explosion (Earth and Fire). Most characters can use magic, however, all characters are limited in that they cannot access each and every spell; some spells are exclusive to certain characters while other spells are shared only by a small number of characters.
| - From all these individual elements, two can be combined to create spells of a mixed element, which contain even more powerful magic in stock. These are Lightning (Fire and Wind), Blizzard (Wind and Water), Forest (Water and Earth) and Explosion (Earth and Fire). Most characters can use magic, however, all characters are limited in that they cannot access each and every spell; some spells are exclusive to certain characters while other spells are shared only by a small number of characters. Justin, Sue, Feena, Rapp and Liete are the only characters who have full access to every element of magic. Sue, while not a non-permanent member of the party, most likely has access to all magic elements because of her presence in the party for a large portion of the game.