You can also make your own userboxes with this code: {{Userbox|txt=USERBOX TEXT|img=[[INSER IMAGE NAME HERE|75px]]|brdr=BORDER COLOR|brdrpx=2px|bckgrd=USERBOX BACKGROUND COLOR|txtcolr=TEXT COLOR}} All capitalized words are replaceable.
You can also make your own userboxes with this code: {{Userbox|txt=USERBOX TEXT|img=[[INSER IMAGE NAME HERE|75px]]|brdr=BORDER COLOR|brdrpx=2px|bckgrd=USERBOX BACKGROUND COLOR|txtcolr=TEXT COLOR}} All capitalized words are replaceable.
You can also make your own userboxes with this code: {{Userbox|txt=USERBOX TEXT|img=[[INSER IMAGE NAME HERE|75px]]|brdr=BORDER COLOR|brdrpx=2px|bckgrd=USERBOX BACKGROUND COLOR|txtcolr=TEXT COLOR}} All capitalized words are replaceable.