| - Duffman (Robert Duff) is based on Budweiser's former mascot Bud Man. Duffman's catchphrase comes from the song "Oh Yeah" by Yello, which the producers say became extremely popular after Ferris Bueller's Day Off and many advertisers started using it. As a result, the writers felt that the song and phrase "Oh yeah!" would be suitable for Duffman. Duffman's thrusts were first acted out by Brad Bird.
- Barry Huffman alisa Duffman is a major character from TV Series "The Simpsons". He appeared for the first time in the episode "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson" Duffman is the mascot and spokesman for the Duff Beer company. There are actually multiple people who play Duffman. He also appeared in "The Simpsons Movie" He appeared also in "The Simpsons: Tapped Out". He is voiced by Hank Azaria.
- Former member of the LUEnited Nations, famous for his role in the start of Great War I - he was nuked by Tygaland, Emperor of the New Polar Order for laughing at a LUEcide vulgar post made by Yaridovich , also of LUE
- Duffman is an athletic and smooth-talking corporate personality who wears blue and red tights, a red cape, white gloves, and the Duff logo emblazoned across his chest. The ensemble features a red hat, dark sunglasses, and a "utility belt" of beer cans around his waist.
- Barry Duffman (conocido también en Hispanoamérica como El Hombre Duff) es un personaje de la serie de dibujos animados Los Simpson, creada por Matt Groening. Duffman es la mascota oficial de la cerveza más consumida de Springfield, la Duff. Su voz original se la da Hank Azaria. Apareció por primera vez en "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson".
- Duffman or Barry Duffman is a premium character unlocked upon the completion of the Duff Brewery. He has 8 jobs in total, one of which is unlocked by the Duff Stadium which was only originally available during the Whacking Day 2013 Event, but then became premium after the event ended. He was also moved from the C-List Celebrities Character Collection to the B-List Celebrities Character Collection with the Whacking Day Event. This made room for Miss Springfield, unlocked with the Whacking Day Prize of the Sleep-Eazy Motel (which also became premium after Whacking Day). All of his permanent jobs are visual, except giving 'Duff Brewery tours' and 'Eating a Buffet Meal'.
- right|200px L'Uomo Duff (Duffman) è il testimonial della marca di birra Duff. Indossa un vistoso mantello rosso e una tuta azzurra. È caratteristico il suo intercalare "Oh, yeah", ripetuto alla fine di ogni frase. Presenta una gara per baristi, in cui risulta vincitore Boe. Viene anche presentato trasandato e ingrassato, in un recente episodio. In un episodio si comprende che l'Uomo Duff non è sempre stato interpretato da un personaggio solo (se ne vedono ben tre), infatti ogni volta che un Uomo Duff muore per cirrosi epatica viene prontamente sostituito.