| - Joir meets Venus Darkstar and finds there is still a bond between himself and his former ward.
- After witnessing the end of a fight Joir meets Morrison and talks briefly about Mutanda, and about VP Aldog.
- The retirment party for Admiral Adlerson is drawing to a close, and an argument between Drocal and Morganna considerably cools the atmosphere.
- Karrde and Joir meet to discuss TCF corp and reach a mutual agreement.
- Morganna prepares to be punished for her attitude at the retirement party, but instead she learns that there is a human side to her boss.
- Garat meets with the diplomat Stalh who reveals his intent to harm the Imperial ambassador.
- In a meeting of another kind Joir meets ambassador Morganna who has information for him concerning 'Missing Goods' - however the ambassador has changed… for the worse?
- Joir meets with Ozzle and conducts a small battle of wills, Joir tells Ozzle of Morganna's wounding and the assasination attempt.
- While attending the pre-tournament party hosted by Starshield Joir meets Venus, the former Empress whom he once guarded.
- Chang, the new legal attache for the CSA makes sure that the Empire is clear about the legal relationship between the two allies.
- A vision in which Jessalyn reveals to Tarroc a premonition of her own disappearance, and that it will be his destiny to become a Jedi without her help.
- Joir finds Troy knows more than he lets on.
- Joir finds civil war, Adlerson finds a new ally
- After being defeated in lightsaber combat by Lara Grayson, Jessalyn is brought before Emperor Valak... and disappears from the galaxy for nearly two years...
- Joir meets with Normack who refuses to cave in to threats, and appears to get what he wants - but does Joir have something up his sleeve?
- Joir and Tarlin meet in the Sandbar, both are concerned for the Ambassador and make a tenuous agreement to bring the assailants to justice.
- Venus, after being assaulted by a Bespin businessman runs into Joir who decides that he still has a role to play in protecting the former Empress.
- Joir, Azya and Tarlin talk about their past, but get interupted by Jairen and a pick-pocket.
- Piper has a new hobby- Swoop Racing. In the spirit of checking out the competition and putting her skills to the test, she's been offering friendly challenges to those holding the track record; first Troy McTavish, with whom she tied, and now Selektah .
- Joir visits the gravely wounded ambassador in hospital and is moved by her condition.
- Morganna Tazecks reveals an information source to Tsaran Joir.
- Admiral Adlerson tells Joir that he is acting director of the Imperial Bureau of Operations.
- Taggor informs Joir that he has found the Hutt mercenary who is rumored to have been involved with the 'Lorn Affair'
- Both Joir and Morganna are reminded of past loves; Joir inquires about the enigmatic Venus Darkstar.
- Jessalyn comes across a woman calling herself Clarise, who claims to have seen the missing Luke Skywalker recently, and she ends up falling into the Emperor's trap.
- Morganna's psych tests shows the obvious: she is no diplomat, but does Joir have other plans for her?
- Joir meets Taggor and talks briefly about capturing Alyndraya.
- Morganna tempts fate. Possible lead up to the Caspian Annexation Campaign.