| - The first Pokémon Bugsy used in his Gym Battle with Ash. Though it put up a good fight, Ash's Chikorita managed to win.
Known moves: String Shot, Poison Sting, Poison Jab, Sucker Punch.
- Bugsy's main Pokémon, Scizor was the third Pokémon he used in his Gym Battle with Ash. Scizor managed to win against Heracross, but lost to Ash's Cyndaquil.
Ability: Technician. Known moves: Quick Attack, Metal Claw, Bullet Punch, X-Scissor, Agility, Fury Cutter, Swift, Slash.
- The second Pokémon Bugsy used in his Gym Battle with Ash. She managed to win against Chikorita, but lost to Ash's Heracross.
Ability: Compound Eyes. Known moves: Poison Powder, Gust, Psybeam, Bug Buzz, Supersonic.