| - In the City of Misty Creek, a group of Five Former Silver Guardians and Air Force pilots form their own small business known as "Omega Helix", dedicated to assisting Misty Creek's Citizens, mainly Law Enforcement whenever the Police are unavailable, practically making them mercenaries. Omega Helix's business was booming, raking in $1,000 a day, but, the way they did it is a closely guarded secret between them, Inspired by three Ranger Teams from the Past, They had Ranger Powers of their own, but, their existence is unknown to the public, Anyone recording them in their morphed state will have their camera, or whatever they used, destroyed. That is, until, an army of aliens, rumored to be a "Shadow Protectorate" Splinter Faction, began to attack the Earth, These Aliens declared themselves the Aurakin and wished to drain the Earth of it's most precious resources and cause Mass Extinction due to Humanity's Recent and Past Incursions through other Galaxies. The Omega Helix Rangers realize what is going on and that Misty Creek is under Heavy Attack by the Aurakin. At first, they did not want to allow the rumors of Power Rangers in Misty Creek to come true, but, whenever they see that this is bigger than anything they have fought before. The Power Rangers Omega Helix reveal themselves to Misty Creek, as well as the entire world, and now they put aside their need for profit and battle their newfound foe.