| - Columbia House specialized in limited releases of TV videos and also selling music in a "club format" (meaning a required number of purchases had to be made in exchange for receiving low-priced music, ex. buying 10 cassettes for 99c in exchange for buying 6-8 more over a 12 month period at "regular club prices", usually $9.95-$10.95 each). The "Collectors Edition" were released one tape at a time, the initial price was $4.95 plus shipping/handling (S&H), and were purchased either by calling a toll-free number or mailing a check with the appropriate funds to an pre-specified mailing address. Future episodes could be had for $19.95 each plus S&H, and each tape had two episodes in complete length (exceptions were the two part episodes "Golden Triangle", "Down for the Count", and "Calderone's Return", the pilot "Brother's Keeper", and the second season opener "The Prodigal Son".