| - Due to Cosmo's fagiggly gland going bad, he will need a transplant in order to continue his job as godparent. This is the direct opposite of Anti-Cosmo whose fagiggly gland is going good. Since Jorgen hates both Cosmo and Anti-Cosmo, he refuses to let Anti-Cosmo out of prison. After a couple of attempts , the trio are able to get Anti-Cosmo out in order for Cosmo to get his transplant. It works, but Anti-Cosmo escapes, but we then find out part of Cosmo and Anti-Cosmo's personalities had been transplanted to each other during the transplant.
- Anti-Cosmo and his fellow Anti-Fairies are released when Timmy foolishly wishes them out. Anti-Cosmo and his wife Anti-Wanda introduce themselves to Timmy before dubbing him as the hero that released them. Timmy luckily draws out all the Anti-Fairies with lots of bad luck and tricks them into going through the door that leads back to Fairy World. Jorgen then proceeds to lock the Anti-Fairies back up into their imprisonment.
- Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda are trying to steal brownie recepie that belongs to Nana Boom Boom to win annual bake-off. After they saw that Timmy accidentally downloaded it to his brain, they capture him and try to extract the recepie from his brain to win the bake-off and make that Anti-Fairies have all godchildren. At the end, it turns out that they capture Cosmo disguised as Timmy and Anti-Wanda wasn't smart enough to realize that the recipe she found had no ingredients.
- Foop mentions that he was grounded by his father.
- Foop mentions that he and Anti-Wanda moved somewhere from Anti-Cosmo's Castle without leaving a forwarding address for him.
- After Anti-Cosmo noticed that his wife has strange cravings, twitching stomach and finally anti-barf he realized that Anti-Wanda is pregnant and is going to give birth to new Anti-Fairy Baby. He named his soon Foop and forbid Foop going to destroy Poof and for that he was zapped. He was also zapped because he told Anti-Wanda not to tell Foop about nearest magical power source. Later he and the other Anti-Fairies were turned into care fairies and he was mad at him for that. But at the end of episode, he was turned back into an Anti-Fairy thanks to Foop's crying. Later, he and Anti-Wanda came to Abracatraz to help Foop get out from the prison.