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- The General Store is a small building in Slaughter Gulch. Tobias MacCarthy was the owner during the founding of the town. After the people of Slaughter Gulch got resurrected, he was found by Carnby, who he helped; and after that, he got killed by one of Jed's henchmen.
- I general store kan du blandt andet købe værktøjer, potter, pander, landkort og seksuelle ydelser.
- Rare items such as a Santa hat cannot be sold to a general store.
- The General Store 是圣安地列斯 的商店,它们分别位于Palomino Creek, Dillimore和 Montgomery, Red County区域。其中有一个联机图案位于其在Dillimore的商店的车库前面。它们并不向玩家开放。
- thumb|Das Logo des General Store thumb|Der General Store in Dillimore Der General Store ist eine Gemischtwarenhandlung aus Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, die in ganz San Andreas weit verbreitet ist. Sie wurde 1932 von Mr. und Mrs. Wilson gegründet. Es gibt auch eine Filiale mit einem anderen Logo in Palomino Creek.
- General Store is a store that Zero would keep his tapes to pass along to the Ghost Busters. Tracy the Gorilla would in every episode of The Ghost Busters go inside to get the tape.
- General stores are a type of store throughout Gielinor. The stores are represented by a File:General store map icon.png icon. General shops sell a variety of items differing from store to store. Rare items such as a Santa hat cannot be sold to a general store.
- La General Store (Tienda General) está situada en Crichton St en Silent Hill: Origins. Al igual que Andy's Books, esta tienda también se utiliza como un desvío tomado por Travis Grady para continuar su aventura. Travis tiene el recuerdo de haber ido a este lugar cuando era pequeño, ya que tiene una afición por los helados, sobre todo el de vainilla. Este lugar tiene una gran cantidad de munición de armas de fuego, bebidas de salud, bebidas energéticas y un gancho para carne. A este lugar no se puede entrar desde el exterior, sólo se puede entrar desde el otro lado del barranco de Chrichton St.
- The General Store is a general store in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. It is located in White Cap. David can be found here. Like all general store shopkeepers in the game, he sells herbs, empty bottles, and random first-level items.
- The PPC General Store is run by Leto Haven and his minis. Note the word his: there has been some confusion in the past.
- General Store es una tienda que aparece en Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
- The General Store is a store located in South Park, on main street. As its name suggests, it sells many things. It is an ordinary brown building with two windows.
- General store, eli yleiskauppa on kauppa johon voi myydä tavaraa huonolla hinnalla. Kyllä sieltä ostaakin voi, mutta kalliilla hinnalla. Tänne ei kanntata myydä. Minäkin menetin 3m kun myin G.E:stä ostaman riimut general storeen. näille kanttii myyä bow (u)viisaita on willow esim willow longbow (u) tänne
- The General Store is the only store in the town and in whole Mordavia. The shopkeeper is Olga Stovich who is a kind old woman and who keeps mentioning her husband. She is also the local gossip woman so she usually knows when something new has happened.She hasn't seen her husband for years but he is actually in the game, so if you look around you will find him.
- The General Store is a limited-time building released on April 19, 2016, as part of the Wild West 2016 Event. It was free to build and was the hub where trades took place for event prize currency.
- General Store is a shop in Springfield.
- thumb| Een typische General store De General store is een soort van winkel die zich op vele locaties bevinden in RuneScape. Alle items worden verhandeld door middel van Coins. De General store staat overal vermeld op de Kaart met een pot Afbeelding:Gstore.png logo. De winkel is ook een belangrijke sleutel bij de prijs van het verhandelen van vele items die verkocht worden in de Grand Exchange.
- The General Store is a shop for general needs, below is the list of items located at the general store. Not all items will be available at a specific time because of stock rotation. The shop sometimes sells:
* Fishing Pole
* Dagger
* Mining Axe
* Woodcrafting Tools
* Blacksmith Hammer
* Wooden Shield
* Loaf of Bread
* Empty Bottle
* Bandage
* Pack of Nails
* Lesser Heal Potion
* Shaft
* Feather
* Roll of Cloth
* Ginseng
* Fur
* Lesser Detoxify Potion
* Apple
* Hand Axe
* Black Boots
* Club
- General store er en nyttig butikk du kan finne (hvis man ser bort ifra Grand Exchange) Her kan du kjøpe billige ting som du vil trenge iløpet av det store eventyret ditt. I general store kan man kjøpe og selge alle slags ting som man kan trade.
- The general store is a common job for NPC's in cities. You will find them in every city but each will have their own stock. The general stores sell food items and other useful items. They also can be used to create special food items using the craft technique. General Store in Taoyuan (, ) General Store in Liuhe (, ) General Store in Yicheng (, ) --Mikuri 02:46, 4 March 2008 (UTC)
- A General Store is a shop that is found in the main cities, as well as smaller settlements, throughout RuneScape Classic. General stores are often ran by a Shopkeeper and their assistants; they sell basic supplies, and will buy any tradeable item from players for a low price. The lowest price general store will buy items is 25% of its Low level alchemy price. The Al Kharid general store has a special quality wherein silk cannot be sold to it. This is due to the presence of the silk trader in the town.
- [[Plik:General Store (SA).jpg|thumb|Sklep w Dillimore]] General Store – sklep, znajdujący się m. in. w Red County, w Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
- The General store is a shop located at skillz. It sells items to train Prayer, Cooking, Smithing, Runecrafting, and Firemaking. It also sells Super potions. At one stage, Hammers were considered an "Extinct" One version of the hammer is extinct still. File:Gs.png
- General Store. eli sekatavarakauppa, on paikka, johon voi myydä tavaraa. Tehtävätavaroita ei yleensä voi myydä. General storesta saa yleensä paljon vähemmän rahaa kun Grand Exchansesta. Gereral storesta saa saman hinnan kun Low Level Alchemy-loitsulla. Kun General Storeen myy monta samaa tavaraa, tavaran arvo vähenee.
- General Store is an NPC. Formerly known as Genewal Stowe.
- General Store is a store in the Redcliffe Village, which however it looks to be abandoned.
- Costolot's General Store is the first store you'll discover in the Village. You can purchase fertilizer, seeds, fruit, vegetables, produce, candy, fences, paving, seed packets, upgraded watering cans, and garden decorations for chocolate coins. Leveling up increases the variety of her products. You can also sell items, including pinata, in exchange for chocolate coins, but she'll pay you slightly less than what she charges you for the items. However, some items, such as weeds or sour candy, sell for negative figures.
- The general store is a type of shop placed in many locations in RuneScape. Unlike a specialty shop, it accepts all tradeable items. The general store is identified on the map by a pot File:General store icon.png icon.
- The General Store is a building available at level 20 in FarmVille since January 15th, 2010. It can be bought for . A farmer will gain File:XP-icon.png experience buying a General Store.
- The store's branches are located in Palomino Creek, Dillimore and Montgomery, Red County. It is inaccessible to the player and plays no role in the storyline whatsoever. The shop was established in 1932 as it is written on the logo.
- frame|Mniej więcej tak wygląda sklep. General Store jest sklepem, który znajduje się w większości miast w Runescape.Nie każdy z nich ma identyczny skład, ale zazwyczaj znajdują się tam:zapalniczka, wiadro, naczynie, nożyce, często także forma do ciasta, mapa dla nowicjuszy.
- thumb|190px|Une vue du General Store de Montgomery au crépuscule dans GTA San AndreasGeneral Store (« bazar » en anglais) est le nom de plusieurs magasins dans Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Sans aucun point commun permettant d'affirmer qu'ils appartiennent à une même chaîne, ils sont situés à Dillimore, Montgomery et Palomino Creek, trois villes du comté de Red County dans l'État de San Andreas. Une icône Multijoueur est située devant le garage du magasin de Dillimore. Catégorie:GTANav Catégorie:Entreprises Catégorie:Entreprises dans GTA San Andreas Catégorie:Boutiques
- thumb|300pxthumb|300px General Store — сеть магазинов в игре Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Судя по логотипу, основана в 1932 году. Сеть недоступна игроку и не играет никакой роли в сюжетной линии.
- The General Store is located on Crichton Street in Silent Hill: Origins. Like Andy's Books, this store is also used as a detour for Travis Grady to surpass obliterated roads and reach the Riverside Motel. The General Store cannot be entered from the outside; it can only be entered from the other side of the crack on Crichton Street.