| - A Server is a computer system that is accessed by other computers. In The World all Dungeons, fields, Monsters, and treasure, namely every part of the game is stored on one of the games servers. At the center of each server is a Root Town, where players gather to form parties, buy, sell, and trade items, raise Grunties, and do pretty much everything that doesn't involve fields or dungeons. Fields and other servers can be accessed from the root town through the use of the Chaos Gate, usually located in a central location of the town, by using a combination of key words.
- Servers are the machines that all multiplayer games use to connect players so they can play together. The Matrix Online ran off many servers each with different names but all running the same world.
- Server je centralno računalo koje izvodi sve operacije potrebne u igri. Zbog obrade velike količine podataka u nekim trenutcima rad servera se uspori i pojavljuje se "lag servera". Za svaki univerzum zadužen je drugi server i događa se da određeni univerzumi u nekom trenutku imaju problema dok ostali rade normalno.
- Palvelimet ovat tietokoneita, jotka pitävät yllä RuneScapea. Kaikki Runescapen palvelimet omistaa JaGeX.
- A RuneScape Classic server is a computer that hosts RuneScape Classic game world, and is operated by Jagex. By connecting to a server, many players can play on a single world and interact with each other. In the beginning, there were only two servers, but more have been added since RuneScape Classic's reopening. The number of servers has varied throughout the years but has been reduced to three in 2011. It is required that you are a current RuneScape member with a Classic-enabled account to access RuneScape Classic. File:SystemUpdate.gif
- thumb|Serverauswahl Tabula Rasa findet auf mehreren verschiedenen Servern statt, um die hohe Anzahl der gleichzeitig spielenden Teilnehmer verwalten zu können. Jeder Server umfasst zwar ansich das selbe Spiel, die erstellten Charaktere können aber nicht zwischen den einzelnen Spielwelten wechseln. Ob serverübergreifende Kommunikation möglich sein wird, ist nicht bekannt, es ist jedoch eher unwahrscheinlich.
- A server, world or W is a computer which hosts RuneScape. Servers are maintained by Jagex and are distributed across the real world. Each world allows 2000 players to be connected at once.
- Questa iniziativa non e' rivolta a chi tra noi studenti passa le nottate attaccato al pc o eventuali geni dell'informatica. Chiunque sia interessato si puo' fare avanti non solo per dare un parere di tipo tecnico come alcuni pensavano, ma anche e soprattutto per dare idee su come utilizzare gli stumenti che stiamo chiedendo (p.es. "Sarebbe bello usare il nostro server per..."). Il server degli studenti deve essere un mezzo, non un fine...
- A server is a webserver which hosts the users and the packets but not the media server. The maximum allowed number of users is 300. In 2011, in one of Happy77's videos from the What's New Blog, it shows Happy77 going to another server in-game using a Box Portal. This feature was named Server Jumping. It shows an arrow pointing one way and then pointing another way like someone was teleporting from one server to another. It should be noted that the moderator to server ratio is one moderator for every server normally.
- A server is
- Servers are the part of the game the client connects to in order to play Queville. Each server runs its own copy of the game, has a separate player store and quest engine, and can currently support up to 1000 players. The global private chat system is shared between servers, and has separate limits, as well as per server limits.
- Here is a list of all Galaxies (servers) in SWG.
- een server is de plek op internet waar het spel op loopt. via allemaal ports die je uit downloads kan halen is het mogelijk een connectie met de server te krijgen.
- There are currently four Servers
- However,Anchor Bug, Bladed Vase, Brain Clam, and Buzz Saw are currently the only featured servers.
- Servers are computers that are dedicated to providing a specific set of services. Atlantica Online game servers are dedicated to providing an instance of the Atlantica game world. It is possible to connect to the Atlantica servers over the Internet. In order to play the game, a player must choose a game server to connect to. Since servers run independent instances of of the game world, the server that a player chooses to connect to will also determine which other players they can meet in the game.
- On Monster Hunter: Frontier, the server's color determines the season that will be active for the missions. Monsters and gatherables vary depending on the season. Some monsters and their alternately colored monsters are found on specific seasons. Orange = Warm/Summer Season Blue = Cold/Winter Season Green = Breeding/Spring Season
- Momentan gibt es für Anarchy-Online 3 Server, welche ihr alle mit einem bezahlten Account betreten könnt. Zu diesen Server gibt es einen Testserver auf welchem neueste Patche getestet werden, bevor diese auf den anderen Servern eingespielt werden. Alle Server stehen in Washington D.C. den USA.
- A server, also know as data center or world, is a computer, or more likely a network of computers, that functions as the host of some sort of electronic media. Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV are the only games in the Final Fantasy series to utilize servers.
- In Warhawk, a Server is any PS3 that is offering-up a game of Warhawk to be played. Often a server will rotate through multiple rounds, changing maps and even Game Modes after each game ends. In the server lobby, there are many icons and text variations. Here is basic info on how to interpret it all
- <default><i>Unknown</i></default> TypeUnknown LevelUnknown LocationUnknown InhabitantsUnknown Server is an Operating System that maintains The Network. This concept created by AarexWikia04. A server is the operating system of The Base.
- Servers (also sometimes referred to as a world) are dedicated game servers maintained either by Jagex themselves, or by contractors retained by Jagex. RuneScape servers can be found distributed across many countries and continents. A single server is capable of hosting many RuneScape worlds.
- En central kommunikationslänk mellan alla klienter som är med i spelet. Servern hanterar alla uträkningar och uppdateringar medans klienten endast ritar ut vad servern säger att den skall rita ut.
- The central computer that handles all calculations for OGame. At certain times, the server will experience "lag" as it has to handle so much data. Every universe has a different server so some universes can have major lag while the others work fine.
- Die bisherigen Server sind:
* Amara (Deutsch)
* Remington (International)
* Tiva (Französisch)
- A server is a computer that is running Cities XL server software. It enables players to communicate with each-other. Each few minutes the alterations that a player makes to his city will be uploaded to the server. These are no longer used because the Planet Offer has been removed.
- Core servers are just what you’d expect. These are servers that have everything Warhammer has to offer, with no special changes to the normal ruleset. RvR is confined to lakes and Scenarios, and there are two opposing realms engaged in the WAR. Players may only engage in Player vs. Player combat when flagged to do so in specific areas around the world. Select a Core ruleset server for the original exciting gameplay experience that WAR was designed to offer thats all.
- Riot Games provides servers to host various aspects in League of Legends. This includes: logins, games, chat, the RP Store, the ingame shop, etc.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Server File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Server File:Server.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Rare Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 0 File:Trade Icon 2.png 10 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 0 Rare File:Sealbar-silver.png File:Seal Lock Icon.png +6% to Barter when attacking, Permanent Attentively providing for your guests
- Server ist der Hauptkontinent der Digiwelt. Er ist riesig und beherbergt alle Klimata und Vegetationen. Später, zu Herrschaftszeiten der 4 Meister der Dunkelheit, wird er allerdings ein Teil des Spiralberges. Bei der Neuentstehung der Digiwelt entsteht aber auch er, sogar in größerer Form, wieder.
- A server is a chat-room type place on Netbattle, where you can talk to other players from around the world and engage in Pokemon battles. There are some servers that you can visit daily on Netbattle, although others are short-lived (usually ones that belong to newbies or noobs.) Some servers require a password for your entry, while others are private and are only accessible through advanced connect.
- Server is a world in which players can create their characters and play with them.
- A Server is a computer where all clients connect to. It runs a database if used and other things.
- A Server is a system that responds to requests across a computer network to provide a network service. In video games, they are used to host multiplayer matches between players and can be modified depending on the game and owner. The Battlefield Series allows players to join servers either randomly or based on map and gametype. Many installments also allow players to rent and customize servers.
- A "server" is a computer or array of computers that supply a service such as a game server that hosts games. In Travian there are tens servers that supply certain regions which use local urls such as .hk, .de, .cn, .us, and .uk; .pk; and then there are international servers which have a url that ends in .com. The "end of the server" implies the time when the server resets the game it is running, which for normal servers has about a 12-18 month cycle but is dependent on how quickly a World Wonder is built and at what time the Natars are released.
- A server, in computer technology, is a device whose role is to process demands sent by clients through a network, with software varying from server to server, depending on the uses of a server. Hardware also changes according to the scale at which these services were provided: it could range to a PADD-sized computer to supercomputers of the size of a basketball court.
- Son los servidores en los que se asientan los jugadores cada uno con sus respectivos join, Teleport y Dungeon. Hay un total de tres servidores.
* Server Esmerald
* Server Sapphire
* Server Ruby
- Server is a woman who appeared in The Artful Dodger (episode).
- The server of Neverwinter Nights is the part of the game that tracks what actually happens in the game, handling most of what is not direct interaction with a player. The other part of the game is the client. In general terms, the server handles the module being played, while the client handles input from the mouse and keyboard and output to the monitor. Multiple servers can be linked through the use of portals.
- Als Server (von engl.: "to serve"; dt.: "bedienen, servieren") bezeichnet man einen Rechner oder ein Programm, das in einem Computer-Netz zentrale Dienste zur Verfügung stellt, die von Clients (dt.: "Kunden") abgerufen werden können. Ein Server ist also entweder ein Dienstprogramm oder ein Rechner, der die Daten und Programme bereithält, welche die über ein Netz miteinander verbundenen Rechner (Clients) benötigen.
- The Oberin software has two parts. The part that Mac users download is the Oberin Client. The other part is the server, the part that contains the characters and the game world. To play Oberin, an internet connection must reach from the client to the server. Oberin's login screen contains a "Server" field. Let this field be blank and empty. (The Oberin FAQ says, "Leave the Server field blank.") Then the game will automatically seek the default server.
- When the Harbingers abandoned the Havens, they left behind the Servers, or EMDSes, which stands for, Electro-Mechanical Defense Systems. The Servers are merely sentries, and cannot think for themselves, so the Harbingers developed a central Matrix which could control The Servers known as The Metatron. The Metatron is not the only name the Central Matrix is known by, it is also known as its self-titled 'Lord of Lords' and 'Lord Lycan', The Butcher, and Zikan (When referring to himself as Lord Lycan, he is using the term 'Lycan' as a shortened version of 'Lycanthropy', which is the study of transformation, which could be the foreshadowing of the transformations of the Metatron's character). This Entity was heavily damaged when the Zodiac and UEM ruptured the interior of the Matrix Center at
- A Server, in computer networking, is simply a program that operates as a socket listener. The term server is also often generalized to describe a host that is deployed to execute one or more such programs. In Aion's case, a server is considered a game server, which is a remotely or locally run server used by game clients to play multiplayer video games. Most video games played over the Internet operate via a connection to a game server.
- In July 2010, SOE reacted once again to dwindling server populations, reducing the final count to 2.
* Halgar
* Telon In September 2007, SOE reacted to dwindling server populations by merging some servers together under new names.
* Halgar
* Xeth
* Seradon
* Sartok - free for all PvP The original servers were as follows: 8 US PvE
* Thunderaxe
* Florendyl - the official RP preferred server
* Woefeather
* Gulgrethor
* Targonor
* Hilsbury
* Shidreth
* Flamehammer US PvP - FFA
* Tharridon US Team PvP
* Varking EU PvE
* Gelenia
* Infinium
- Servers (also known as Oceans) are the different areas in the Pirates of the Caribbean Online game. Since it is such a large universe, it must be spread over numerous computers allowing for thousands of players. Two players could be on the exact same location in the exact same island, but not interact with each other - because they are on different servers. Each ocean has a unique name. Note - If you need to do solo quests, finding a quiet server may be ideal to prevent lag, but not good for PvP or SvS.
- Bei DarkOrbit muss man sich am Anfang für einen Server entscheiden. Wählt man bei seiner Anmeldung nicht gezielt einen bestimmten Server aus, teilt Bigpoint den Account einem Server zu (die Entscheidung wird beeinflusst dadurch, wo man wohnt und welche Server (nicht) ausgelastet sind). Der Server ist die größte Einheit des Spiels. Im Gegensatz zur Firma, die man ja hinterher noch ändern kann, ist die Entscheidung, auf welchem Server du spielst, endgültig. Im Winter 2016 wurde die R-Zone eingeführt. Dort befinden sich Battle-Maps, zu denen Spieler aller Server Zugang haben.
- A Server (or World) is the connection applet which a player must log in to to play the game. Servers are numbered (for example, in RuneScape, there Worlds numbered 1-169). When a player logs in, the server name that he/she is on will be shown on his/her name on the Friends List. Players on the same server are able to see and interact with one another. If a player logs into a RuneScape or FunOrb multi-player server (except for the FunOrb game Dungeon Assault), players will also be able to see that server on Stellar Dawn. Occasionally, a server will be turned offline temporarily for updates or to fix bugs. On a very rare occasion, all the servers will break down, known as a "Server blackout".
- The Servers are the computers that host RuneScape. Servers are maintained by Jagex and by contractors retained by Jagex. They are distributed across the real world. There are several types of servers used in RuneScape.
- Der Server sind die Spielbereiche. Bei dem momentanen Zustand existieren im englischen Flyff 8 Stück und im deutschen 5. Diese sind dann noch unterteilt in 4 Cluster. [Ausnahmen bilden die Eflyff Server Demian(PK),Clockworks, Glaphan und Mushpoie. Demian(PK) besitzt nur 2 Cluster; Clockworks, Glaphan und Mushpoie jeweils 3 Cluster] Z.B. würde dort stehen: Mushpoie 2-1 Das wäre dann der 2 Server und der erste Cluster.
- Server sind die jeweiligen "Spielwelten" für die Spieler. Ein Transfer eines Charakters zwischen den Servern ist über die Weiteren Leistungen auf der Dofus Homepage für 9000 Ogrinen zu erwerben. Alle Besitztümer im Inventar und Ausgerüstet werden mitgenommen. Jeder weitere transferierte Charakter eines selben Accounts innerhalb der gleichen Woche, kostet je 5000 Ogrinen. Am 1. September 2004 nahm nach monatelangem Beta-Test ein frohes Ereignis seinen Lauf: DOFUS war geboren. Ein Online-Spiel mit einem runden-basierten Kampfsystem, dass auf der Grundlage von Flash programmiert wurde.
- Servers make up Second Life's grid in which the client connects to. "Server" can sometimes refer to the software that runs a sim or more typically the actual hardware that the sim runs on. Each server (hardware) may host anywhere from two to four different sims (software). The hardware most used are "Class 4" servers, running Debian Linux, and containing 2 dual-core CPUs with each sim getting the equivalent of one CPU (4 sims per class 4 box).
- left|thumb|150px|Immagine commemorativa del grande botto del server nel 2007. I server di Gamesradar sono l'unico modello funzionante di computer a propulsione cricetica, ovvero fatto funzionare da criceti che corrono nella loro ruota. Comunque la causa del restante 99,9% dei crash è tuttora ignota.
- The Guild Wars Servers host and coordinate the games. All data are saved here. Players must connect to a server to be able to play. There is no offline playing, not even basic training or tutorials. While the server is commonly referred to in singular form, it is actually a large cluster of numerous individual server boxes connected and working together. ArenaNet refers to these server clusters as "data center". As Jeff Strain explains in this interview, a data center consists of approxminately 12 different types of servers, with each type specialized in a different task (authentication, guild management, gaming, tournament, chat, etc.). The number of servers of each type is adapted dynamically to the workload (depending on number of active instances / districts) to ensure lag-free perform