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DRAMA CD BLACK 1. Prologue - Red Battle: Beginning 2. Shelter - The Doctor Visits 3. Holy Order Airship - Mankind's Defeat 4. Airship Deck - Reunion 5. Airship Meeting Room - Order Leader 6. Gearplant - Mother Justice 7. Airship Meeting Room - Battle Begins 8. Jellyfish Fleet - Revenge Seekers 9. Gearplant Underground - Gearmaker 10. Final Battle - Game Over 11. Battle of Rome - Take Two 12. Reality v2.0 13. Opening 14. Dizzy's Letter 15. Mayship - Jellyfish Pirates 16. Departure 17. Arrival - Village Rumor 18. Demon Forest - Reunion 19. Next Morning - Premonition of Attack 20. Bandits Arrive - Battle 21. Battle Over - Festival 22. Epilogue - Men 23. Message from Fujita Kazue (Dizzy) 24. A Message from Dizzy to You

  • DRAMA CD BLACK 1. Prologue - Red Battle: Beginning 2. Shelter - The Doctor Visits 3. Holy Order Airship - Mankind's Defeat 4. Airship Deck - Reunion 5. Airship Meeting Room - Order Leader 6. Gearplant - Mother Justice 7. Airship Meeting Room - Battle Begins 8. Jellyfish Fleet - Revenge Seekers 9. Gearplant Underground - Gearmaker 10. Final Battle - Game Over 11. Battle of Rome - Take Two 12. Reality v2.0 13. Opening 14. Dizzy's Letter 15. Mayship - Jellyfish Pirates 16. Departure 17. Arrival - Village Rumor 18. Demon Forest - Reunion 19. Next Morning - Premonition of Attack 20. Bandits Arrive - Battle 21. Battle Over - Festival 22. Epilogue - Men 23. Message from Fujita Kazue (Dizzy) 24. A Message from Dizzy to You
  • DRAMA CD BLACK 1. Prologue - Red Battle: Beginning 2. Shelter - The Doctor Visits 3. Holy Order Airship - Mankind's Defeat 4. Airship Deck - Reunion 5. Airship Meeting Room - Order Leader 6. Gearplant - Mother Justice 7. Airship Meeting Room - Battle Begins 8. Jellyfish Fleet - Revenge Seekers 9. Gearplant Underground - Gearmaker 10. Final Battle - Game Over 11. Battle of Rome - Take Two 12. Reality v2.0 13. Opening 14. Dizzy's Letter 15. Mayship - Jellyfish Pirates 16. Departure 17. Arrival - Village Rumor 18. Demon Forest - Reunion 19. Next Morning - Premonition of Attack 20. Bandits Arrive - Battle 21. Battle Over - Festival 22. Epilogue - Men 23. Message from Fujita Kazue (Dizzy) 24. A Message from Dizzy to You DRAMA CD RED 1. [ Prologue - Red Battle: Beginning ] Narrator: The 22nd Century. Mankind succeeds in understanding the theory of magic, and thus unlocks limitless energy. Science becomes regarded as a technology of the "Old World" and is forbidden worldwide. But then, by the power of magic, the forbidden living weapons, Gears, were created. The Gears, created for the purposes of fighting, bared their fangs against their controllers, and thus began a battle between the two with the future at stake. A.D. 2173. The Holy Order, which has been protecting mankind, now heads towards a climax with their battle against the Gears... Narrator: Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Side Red: Red Battle - Beginning. 2. [ Street Corner - The Witch Visits ] I-No: Huh... what a run-down village. Man: Don't say that, honey... this is a good village. There's lots of stores, there's no fussy police... Man: That's right, they got beaten up! Attacked by Gears... Man: Shut up, you! Hey... won't you do some good things with us? I-No: (Even the people living here are run-down...) Man: Come on, lady! What's your name? I-No: Oh, does it matter? You'd forget a woman's name soon enough anyway, right? Man: That's not true! I wouldn't forget a babe's name like yours even if I died! Come on, how about it? I'll show you a great place... Man: Bro! You mean that place? Man: It's great! Great mood too... I-No: I'm sorry! I prefer appetite over mood... especially for meat. Man: Huh? Well... I know a good roast pork pla... Man: Idiot! Don't you understand!? She's asking us along! I-No: I happen to like... squeezing helpless pigs... Man: Heheheh... now that's interesting! Man: Wh-what the! Man: A Gear?!? I-No: Yes! I saw it coming closer to this village earlier... Man: Hey... why didn't you say that earlier!? I-No: Oh, didn't I just say? I liked helpless pigs...! Man: What the hell... it's raging! Bro, let's run! I-No: Oh, don't go that way! Man: Yeaaaaargh! Man: Hey! I-No: Oh, coming after me? Hey hey... don't get wrong ideas about who your prey is! Man: You... what are you... I-No: Hmph... I'm I-No. Man: A name? I didn't ask for your name! You have power, help us out! Or else our village will get wiped out!... augh! I-No: You asked me! You said even if you went to hell you wouldn't forget my name, right?! Right!? Man: Aaaaaargh! I-No: Hmph, even a run-down scream. Pigs should scream loudly like pigs! Man: (gurgles) I-No: Well now... these are interesting times. Times that suit me... 3. [ Airship - The Final Hope of Mankind ] Officer: Ky-sama, we've reached our destination. Ky: Report. Officer: Sir! One hour ago we received a distress call requesting help from the Holy Order. Ten minutes ago we established communication... Ky: And... silence? Officer: Yes sir... the possibility of total annihilation is high. Ky: Tell me our strategy and intelligence for now. Officer: Three medium-size Gears and one large-size Gear confirmed. They're all currently in the city center. Ky: That's certainly troublesome. I'll lead the Magic Division. Magical Support Units 1 through 3 will support that Division. And... Sol: I'm off. Ky: Sol, wait!... what a man. Officer: Ky-sama... Ky: Prepare for landing. Also prepare the aviation spells. Quickly! Officer: Sir! 4. [ Street Corner - Dead Town ] Sol: So you're the large-size... how annoying. Sol: What?! Sol: These wounds... somebody already did it in... but who... I don't like this. Ky: Over there... Sacred Edge! Ky: Is that all of them? Officer: No Gear response detected... clean-up complete. Ky: There were fewer than reported... Officer: Sir! We're investigating the cause of that now. Ky: I don't care... it's probably because of the rude one anyway. Anyway... what a condition... nothing's left of the village. Ky: Even... a child as small as this... Officer: Poison gas from a T-type Gear... it's likely that it spread throughout the village. Ky: I see... just in case. Look for survivors. Officer: Sir! Sol: No 'just in case', you know. Ky: Sol! Where have you been? Sol: Hurry and withdraw. This is waste... Ky: Behave yourself! That order-belittling attitude is a danger to the whole group! Sol: Spare me... Ky: Sol! Sol: We don't have time to dawdle. Don't try to be a hero, boy! Officer: K-Ky-sama! Ky: Yes, what is it? Officer: We've found a survivor! This way... Sol: What? Ky: Send help immediately! Prepare the antidote as well... Officer: Sir! Ky: Are you okay? I-No: Unh... Sol: I don't like this... you... what the hell are you!? Ky: Learn some propriety! We have things to do before questioning her, right!? I-No: Who... are you... Ky: It's okay, please just rest now. I-No: Thank you... I-No: (So this is the Holy Order... how naive...) 5. [ Airship Captain's Room - Distress ] Officer: Ky-sama, I've brought you some tea. Ky: Thank you. Itadakimasu. Officer: Report... the ship is making steady progress heading to headquarters in Paris. We will arrive in approximately 2 hours. Ky: I see. Thank you for your report. ... is something wrong? You may leave now. Officer: Forgive me for speaking bluntly... Ky-sama, are you worrying about something? Ky: I'm just a novice captain now... so of course I have many worries. Officer: Are you talking about Sol-sama? Ky: Very sharp. Yes, that's right... like he says, I may just be trying to be a hero. Officer: ...and he said that? Ky: The Holy Order is the final hope of mankind. While commanding an organization like this, I'm letting my personal gratification get in the way. Officer: I don't think so... Ky: For example... the incident just now. After confirming the cleanup of the Gears, I should've withdrawn from the town. In case there was another distress call, we should've been able to be on our way at once. Isn't that the best way to save people? Officer: Ky-sama, I believe you are mistaken. Ky: Eh? Officer: Didn't you say so yourself, Ky-sama? The Holy Order is mankind's last hope. If all we do is destroy Gears, then we're no more than a machine. That isn't hope. If there is even only one survivor in a village attacked by Gears, the Holy Order will not abandon them. It will definitely save them. Everyone lives every day believing this. ...that is the fate given to us. Ky: A heavy fate indeed... you've taught me something important today. Thank you. Officer: If you're feeling well, perhaps you should pay a visit? The patient seems to have regained consciousness. Ky: Thank you. I will visit later. Officer: Then, please excuse me. Ky: The last hope of... mankind... 6. [ Airship Infirmary - Confrontation ] Officer: Sol-sama, where are you...? Sol: Keys. Officer: This is a first-aid room now, but... Sol: Keys! Officer: I'm sorry. Right now this room is No Visitors... Sol: (glares) Officer: Excuse me. Please... I-No: Who is it? Sol: Don't move. I-No: W-who are you? Sol: That's my line... feigning innocence. Come on! I-No: So dangerous! Sol: Hmph, didn't work. What the hell are you? I-No: Shut up... Sol: Huh? I-No: Shut up, little bastard! Want to make it personal? Sol: Yeesh... I-No: Eat this! Sol: Hmph, attacking? Now we're talking! Officer: Ky-sama! Ky: What's happening? An attack? Officer: There's a fire on ship. It's in the medical quarters! Ky: A Gear attack on this ship? Emergency response. I will head there too. Officer: Sir! Officer: Ky-sama! Ky: What is it? Officer: Earlier... Sol-sama was... Ky: Did you just say Sol? Officer: Yes sir. Ky: Sol! Sol: Che. I-No: Please help! This man suddenly... Sol: Ah? Ky: You! I don't even have words to describe you anymore. Bring the handcuffs! Officers: Sir! Sol: Ha... yeesh. Ky: Take him to the brig. Officers: Sir! Ky: Forgive me... I have no good apology... I-No: Thank you for saving me... who are you? Ky: Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I am Ky Kiske, working as Captain of the Holy Order. I-No: Oh, you're so young and yet so great! I'm I-No. Who was that wild guy earlier...? Ky: He's... Sol. A disgrace to our Order... he will be punished severely. I-No: I was so scared! Ky: I-I see... I-No: Hey... won't you let me thank you? Aren't you stiff here? Ky: Ah... um... ah, I have official business now, so please excuse me. I-No: Hmph... no backbone. The Holy Order is more boring than I thought... guess I'll crush it. 7. [ Airship Infirmary - Temptation ] Ky: Lord... what a man. Officer: About Sol-sama... is that really okay? Ky: Yes. If he keeps breaking the rules, he loses his rights. Officer: But... that woman... Ky: I know. She's not a normal person. Officer: Then... why do that to Sol-sama? Ky: If he wanted to check on I-No-san's true nature, he should've reported to me. That man doesn't even take the time to do that. Officer: That's true... she said her name was I-No, correct? What do you think, Ky-sama? Ky: She seemed a master of confrontation... she was confronting Sol for just a moment. Officer: I see... Ky: To hide one's power... she is perhaps a military runaway. To be honest, certainly desirable for our Holy Order. Post a guard by her room. If she leaves, contact me immediately. Officer: Understood. Alert: Emergency, emergency. All commanding officers please report to the bridge. Ky: What is it? Officer: From Rome, Italy, an emergency call! Ky: What's happening? Officer: Three Megadeath-class Gears, and about 200 large-class Gears. Ky: The local army? Officer: Taking care of the local citizens. I can't estimate their military strength. Ky: What has headquarters said? Officer: Reporting... they say to wait for reinforcements. Ky: I see... Officer: But then, the citizens will...! Ky: With their strength now, they can't avoid the destruction of Rome. Thus we must prioritize increasing their strength and destroying the Gears. Is that a proper evaluation? Officer: It's valid, but... Ky: Yes? Officer: Even if we offer rescue, there are consequences. Right now there is nobody looking after the refugees... if the city, crumbles, they will all... Ky: That is truth. But... Officer: But? Ky: That is not hope. We are the hope of mankind. Am I mistaken? Officer: Sir! Ky: Enter battle preparations! We will secure the safety of the citizens. Officer: How many shall we send in? Ky: This is not our official duty. Please ask for volunteers. Officer: Understood. But then... Ky: Is something wrong? Officer: No. I will ask... but... Ky: I don't care. I'll go even alone. Now then...! Officer: Ky-sama! Ky: I-No-san, excuse me. I-No: Oh, handsome Captain. What was that siren just now? Ky: This ship is headed towards Rome in order to fight Gears. I-No: I see... do your best. Ky: Ah... it's hard for me to say, but we cannot guarantee your safety. I'm sorry, but I must ask you to get off the ship. I-No: What? Ky: We'll take you to a village closeby. I-No: Very earnest... Ky: Huh? I-No: Work despite the circumstances... even if I hear that, I have no choice. Ky: That's... I-No: You realize it, right? My power. Ky: Yes. But to me, you're still a civilian. If saving you is my duty, then I must... I-No: You said Rome, right? There's over a million people there. Ky: Yes, but... I-No: Don't misunderstand. I'll do what I want. I don't like things decided for me. Ky: Forgive me... after all, we were assembled because of duty. We don't have the right to choose people. If you would like to become hope... I-No: Oh, don't get the wrong impression. I don't want to join your Order. I'll just take what I want. Ky: You mean... recompensation? Then I'll try to arrange what I can. I-No: That's okay. I don't want money. Instead... (whispers) Ky: Ah... that's...! I-No: A million... million! Ky: But... that's too... I-No: Come on. Ky: Under-stood... I-No: Then... later! Come back alive! I'll be waiting in my room... Ky: I... will do my best. I-No: How cute, turning bright red! Well... it doesn't look like this'll be boring... 8. [ Airship - The Order's Vow ] Ky: Please come in. Officer: Pardon me. Ky-sama, the unit has been formed. Ky: How many... Officer: Just about everybody. The minimum crew for the operation of the ship will remain behind. Ky: I see. And what did headquarters actually say? Officer: As I said. "Wait for reinforcements". Just... one thing more. "If you don't like that, do what you want." Ky: Commander Kliff, I see... just like him. Officer: I feel the same way. Then, please speak to the troops. Ky: Sometimes I feel angry at myself... even though I'm telling them to commit suicide... they follow me anyway. Officer: Then, why ask for volunteers? You could've just ordered everyone. Ky: Yes... if we live, I'll remember that. Officer: Please don't make that face. The soldiers will be frightened. Ky: And it would be nice if they were frightened and quit... no. Let's go. Officer: Salute the Captain! Ky: Everyone... thank you for gathering. Please hear me. In the battle between humans and Gears, we do not have the advantage. No... we are in a dangerous situation. And now, we are headed towards an unfair battle. In terms of military and logistics, it's meaningless. But then why? With technology, humans created forbidden creations, and yet still did not gain the ability to stop war. They wanted... a rational world where humans did not fight. And then... Gears were born. War came to humans who responded with machines. But... a battle between machines cannot be called a victory. Therefore, we, as humanity, have to pick what looks like the foolish road. We will save the citizens of Rome. It's because we can't let lives pass in front of us! Do we care what happens afterwards? Ky: God, by your grace, please save us! Holy Order, set forth! 9. [ Airship - The Order's Vow ] I-No: Hmph, I'm amazed. If that group isn't totally composed of idiots, the monsters'll get mowed over. Ky: Stun Edge! Ky: There's no end to them. Is everybody safe yet? Officer: It would be in another 15 minutes! But the soldiers are at their limit. Let us withdraw! We can't get wiped out here! Ky: Please begin retreating yourselves! Officer: Ky-sama! Ky: I can't leave a single person behind! That is the oath we made as a Holy Knight. And I haven't made sure that I-No-san is safe yet! Officer: Ky-sama! You must be at your limit too! You can't... Ky: Fifteen minutes! I'll be here for fifteen minutes! Ride the Lightning! Officer: Ky-sama, wait! That idiot... Physical Attack Division, follow me! Sol: Leave him to me! Officer: Sol...sama! Sol: I'll bring the boy back. Officer: Huh? Sol: What are you doing? Hurry! Officer: Sir! Physical Attack Division, Magic Division, begin retreat! Officer: ... I leave Ky-sama to you! 10. [ I-No - Monologue ] I-No: Huh! He really is naive. But how fun... this'll make for great sightseeing. 11. [ Battle of Rome - Deathmatch ] Ky: Needle Spike! Ky: I've made it this far... just five more minutes... Ride the Lightning! Ky: A large-type Gear, here...! Is I-No-san... safe... Ky: Still going! Ky: Are you my death god...? God, by your grace, please save my future! Holy Order Ougi... Spike Voltage! Sol: Trash... move aside. Sol: Move aside! Tyrant Rave! Sol: I came to pick you up. Ky: Always coming late... you never could fix that... Sol: You... Ky: As to be expected... until the very end... I could never beat you... Sol: Don't say anything! Ky: I have... a request... Sol: I said shut up! Ky: After Commander Kliff... carry on... the Holy Order... Sol: Stop it... that's your job! Ky: Please... promise me... Sol: Dammit... Ky: If it's you... you can do... Sol: Hey.... what's wrong. Hey! KYYYYYY! 12. [ Epilogue ] I-No: Kyahahaha! So he died! "Is I-No-san all right?" Hahaha! Wonderful! Narrator: AD 2173. The death of the Holy Order Captain, Ky Kiske, in the Battle of Rome. This was the turning point in the Holy War. Afterwards, mankind fought a losing battle for 10 years. Historians would later write: "The hope of mankind crumbled on this day." Narrator: Commander of the Holy Order that protects mankind, Sol Badguy. But with the attack of the Gears, mankind's hope appears to crumble. Wandering about, I-No meets a certain man. I-No: So you're the root of this evil... Narrator: Next time, Guilty Gear XX Drama CD, Side Black. Red Battle - Ending. Enjoy! 13. [ Prologue of Fear - Zappa Story: Night of the Living Doll ] Zappa: Guilty Gear XX... Drama CD... Side Red... Night of the Living Doll. 14. [ Mountain Path in Rainfall ] Zappa: The rain that day was cold enough to chill one's bones, and yet I wandered lightfooted along the path. Zappa: Oh? Do I see a person? A woman? With long black hair... standing in the rain... hair clinging to her face. "Ah, hello there? If you stand there you'll catch a cold..." Zappa: That person didn't answer, but simply raised her hand slowly and pointed forward. "Oh? What is it?" Where she pointed, there was a single house. "Oh, how nice... I'll stop there." Zappa: When I looked back, there was nobody there... Zappa: "Ahh... geez." I have no spirit sense, but some do tell me I seem to have a ghost woman with long black hair attached to me. Of course, when I tell others they tell me I have a blind Chinese ghost attached to me too so I don't believe anybody. The woman I saw then... was she an evil spirit? Of course if she was it wouldn't be strange. There certainly was a strange aura about her. But, I didn't turn back, and I headed for the house the woman pointed to. Zappa: "Excuse me? Is somebody here? I'm a traveler, so I'll just borrow a room." I didn't realize it yet then... the true self of the building I had just stepped into... the house of the dolls. 15. [ The Dollhouse ] Zappa: "It's so dark... excuse me! Is there anybody here? Nobody... hmph. I have to at least find light... light... light... Huh? What's this? My foot hit something. This is... ahhh!" What the lightning illuminated. It was... a person's foot! "F-foot! Here's a hand... and a neck... NECK!?" Finally I realized... the feet and the hands... they weren't real, but made. They were parts of dolls. More realistic than I had ever seen, lifelike dolls. Zappa: "Ha... just dolls... but such bad taste... why are they all scattered here... maybe it's a dollmaker's house? Then, maybe I did a bad thing? I did kick it after all..." Zappa: "Oh... here's completed ones... Let's see... very well done." Blonde hair and blue eyes. Certainly well done, and a certain strength to it. The scary part was that they looked human, even though they weren't... Even well-done, they didn't have souls. The moment I thought that... the doll opened its eyes, and glared at me! Zappa: Those hateful eyes, I somehow withstood. Even though they were staring at me, I didn't feel that it had a soul. Overcome by fear, I slowly lost consciousness. 16. [ Black Dog ] Zappa: "I'M SCARED OF DOGS! Huh? Where am I..." When I opened my eyes, I was in a moldy bed in a room. Why was I here? "This place's guard dog? Then there must be people living here after all, great... what's wrong, dog? Hm, he's chewing something. Huh, giving it to me?" Zappa: "Hm? This is... an arm!?" The pitch-black dog had dropped an arm... a doll's arm. The arm was mangled as if it had been chewed. "Thanks for the thought, but I don't want it... doggie?" When I realized it, that pitch-black dog was not anywhere in the room. Even though the room's door was closed... Zappa: "How strange... this house definitely is strange! I should leave... ah ta ta..." When I tried to open the door... it was then... that I heard the footsteps. "What the... these footsteps... what should I do..." I thought to hide under the bed when... ???: Return my arm... Zappa: "Kyaaaaah!" Standing there... was that doll. While black blood ran from its arm... with those soulless eyes... staring at me... "Somebody!" 17. [ Pursuit ] Zappa: At that moment... something whistled in the air past me. "S-swords?" Yes... there were swords in the air. Or rather, giant razor blades might be more accurate. Here and there, I saw red dripping off them. When I barely dodged the blades flying at me, they would change direction and fly at me again. "Th-that was dangerous..." 18. [ A Bit of Courage ] Zappa: "I'll hide here for now..." In the long hallway, I slipped into the first room. In there was... "This is... I wonder what kind of room this is... there's a huge mirror in here." I crept toward it. In the darkness, I saw my own face floating up. And then... a white shadow behind my back. "Wh-who's there?!" When I turned around, there was nothing there. Zappa: "It's still there..." The white shadow in the mirror didn't disappear. No... it gradually increased in number... The white shadows... when I realized the shadows had faces... I broke the mirror. Zappa: "What is with this room... what is... the wind sure is strong... I should close the windows... no way!" Then, I realized, finally, that the room had no windows... there shouldn't have been any wind. "What's going on..." The wind gradually became stronger. It gradually became harder to stand, and when I collapsed to my knees... the mirror... the potted plant on the table... everything in the room began coming after me. Zappa: "Somebody! Help me!" When I scrambled to my feet, I heard a fearful noise from the door. ???: Come on out... Zappa: Somebody was banging at the door. I used the furniture in the room to bar the door. The doorknob was being pulled with fearsome power. I pressed against the door with all my strength. "Why... why me?" One of the candlesticks in the room suddenly thrust into the door in front of my eyes. Shocked, I let go of the door. "Damn!" ???: So you were here... Zappa: That doll appeared in front of my eyes. Not just at the shoulder, it appeared cut up by some large blade... black blood flowing from it everywhere. "Somebody! Help me!" The doll's face looked my way. Those focus-less eyes looked my way. That's how it felt. That slashed up face... looking like it was laughing. It also looked like it was crying. The only thing I could say... was that that toothless face... wanted to kill me. I thought that I was only being afraid. But maybe, when I heard the story of the black-haired woman, I was looking forward to being afraid. Now, at that moment, I could only fear the terror of death closing in on me. Zappa: Just then... I stumbled upon some of the fragments of glass. The pain of reality opened my eyes. "Damn... what am I doing. Ghost or no ghost, I can't lose to some already-dead guy! Like I'll die here!" Zappa: At that moment, all the furniture in the room flew at me. I looked at it as if I had won. "Okay... now!" I threw myself to the floor at the last moment. As I had thought, the fragments of glass flew into the doll. I ran into the hallway then. ???: Waaaaaait... Zappa: Just then... I wasn't just running seriously... my heart seemed as if it would fly out of my throat. But the sound that chased me wouldn't go away. "Ahhh... no way! Zappa: "Where... where's the exit!" When I turned around, the building had already been engulfed by flames. From inside... I heard a slight scream... that was all. 19. [ Epilogue - Unending Fear ] Zappa: What was that house? Ghosts I had never seen, and that huge doll... They say that when one with much hatred dies, that hatred is borne in stead by a doll... But... what kind of person, what kind of hate would have that? I won't know anymore... Perhaps that doll is sleeping in the ruins of the house even now. But if that doll wasn't sleeping... if that doll, fueled by hatred, escaped that house... then even now... before sleeping... I can hear that doll's footsteps. Sometimes in the morning... I wake up and my pillow is soaked with black blood. I... have been chased by that doll... Robo Ky: Hey, human. What do you think you can sleep peacefully for! Pay me back for that house! Raou: I won't leave even a shell of your soul! 20. [ Message from Inoue Kikuko (I-No) ] Inoue Kikuko: I'm Inoue Kikuko, playing the role of I-No. Presenting Guilty Gear XX Drama CD, Red Battle - Beginning... how was it? The role I received this time was unusual for me, a bloodless villain, or rather, well, she does bad things not to strike back at something, but. She just does bad things because she likes to, and lives by her own fancies or whims, I thought. Thinking other people are insects, and not feeling loneliness at all... in some ways, you could say she's a very strong person. When I first received the script, I thought it was a very interesting story, but... I-No's lines are scary! That's what I thought. It was like that for the game too, but she sure is scary, I-No is, isn't she? At first I thought "Aah, can I really say these lines?" but well, to happen upon a role like this, I decided to challenge, or rather, to become the scary I-No as much as I could... and with those feelings, I tried my best. The next part will be even more exciting, so please look forward to it, everyone. Thank you very much. DRAMA CD BLACK 1. [ Prologue - Red Battle: Beginning ] Narrator: The 22nd Century. Mankind succeeds in understanding the theory of magic, and thus unlocks limitless energy. Their glory reaches for a peak. But antagonism still remains behind the glory, and eventually, that creates the forbidden living weapon, Gears. The revolt of the Gears thrusts mankind into an unending war. AD 2173. Mankind's protector, the Holy Order, is handed a crushing defeat at the Battle of Rome. The spirit of man suffers a great fall with the death of the Order's Ky Kiske. Then, in AD 2183... mankind's remnants are limited to just a few airships and underground shelters... Narrator: Guilty Gear XX Drama CD: Side Black. Red Battle - Ending. 2. [ Shelter - The Doctor Visits ] Guard: Something's coming... hey! It's a person! A person! Guard: It's been five years... Guard: Stop there! Who are you? Baldhead: A traveling doctor. I'm called Baldhead. Guard: A doctor, you say!? Great! Open the gate! Guard: Hey... what's it like outside? Is the war over? Guard: Please tell us! Baldhead: Unfortunately, the war still continues... but everyone is still living to their fullest. Guard: I see... well, please have a rest! We'll have a welcome party later. Baldhead: Not at all! There are probably people suffering at this instant. If it's okay with you, I'd like to start the examination... Guard: Thank you. Then please come with me. I'll introduce you to everybody. Baldhead: Then, let us hurry... Ah, now that you mention it... your spine is crooked. It must be hard to stand, yes? Guard: Huh? Well,... yeah... Baldhead: Then, let me fix you up... Guard: Thank you for the thought, but there are more seriously ill people inside. We should go there fi... Baldhead: Not at all, don't be shy! It's time for an operation, let's do an operation! Guard: Hey, what are you doing... au... augh! Guard: Y-you! What the hell are you doing! Baldhead: Oh, and you have eye strain! Hey, don't run away! Haha! Guard: Augh! My eyes! My eyes! Baldhead: Are there any more sick people here?! Here I come!! Baldhead: Come on... any more patients? It's not good to hide!! If I don't fix you up it'll be very scary later...! I-No: Oh? A doctor, eh... Baldhead: Over there over there! Young miss, you... oh... just about everything is wrong with you! Let me start by fixing up your heart and mind...! I-No: What shall I do? Such a bother... Baldhead: This might hurt a little, no need to hold back! Heheh... begin operation!! I-No: Oh? You dropped something. What could it be? Oh... this is... Baldhead: That's a medical fee... medical fee! There were some soldiers suffering so I put them to rest! I-No: Huh... so basically you enjoyed the pitifulness of the dead? I'll put you to rest! I-No: Huh. Your weapon was big, but you can't measure up to me. I-No: Huh? A Holy Order Airship... Good timing. 3. [ Holy Order Airship - Mankind's Defeat ] Sol: Shut up... Potemkin: I'm coming in, captain. Potemkin: Captain. The tactical unit has finished making plans. Sol: I see... Potemkin: They would like your opinion on it... Sol: Che... Potemkin: Well? Sol: This is just buying time. Troops will die... and that's that. Potemkin: Buying time is all we can do... it can't be helped. Sol: What about Intelligence? Have they found the Gear Production Plant yet? Potemkin: We have a scout unit on reconnaissance. Sol: I'm going. Potemkin: We can't have you leaving now, sir. I can't allow it. Sol: Are you telling us to lay down and die? Dammit... this is the kind of stuff that kid liked... Potemkin: Don't say it... we begin the attack in an hour. Please say something to the troops. Sol: You do it. Potemkin: Hey, wait! 4. [ Airship Deck - Reunion ] Sol: Dammit... I-No: It's been awhile! Do you remember me? Sol: You're...! I-No: You've certainly climbed up in the world. You look a little haggard though... I-No: Such a rough greeting. Sol: Did you come to die? Where have you been?! Ky... was looking for you until the end... I-No: Won't you let me ask something? Sol: How'd you get in? I-No: Oh, getting into a place like THIS is no problem. And anyway, I brought something nice for you. Sol: What? I-No: This. Sol: That's... the Intelligence group's...! I-No: A dying soldier said I should get this to you no matter what. Well? Sol: Hand it over! I-No: No need to rush things... here. Sol: Wait... how'd you get this? I-No: I don't like explaining bothersome things. Ciao! Sol: Damn! 5. [ Airship Meeting Room - Order Leader ] Sol: ...and that's the story. The Plant is located here. Check on it. Potemkin: What happened to that "I-No"? Sol: Got away... jumped off the deck. Potemkin: Can't trust that... Sol: Don't say it. Just confirm it. Potemkin: I know. There's no doubt that this letter is real. It's from the Intelligence unit. Sol: I see. Potemkin: What will we do? Sol: It's obvious. All-out attack. Potemkin: Shall we call the reserves? Sol: Don't need them. If I lose this fight, it's all over. Potemkin: That might be true but... this might be a trap. Sol: Use your head. Potemkin: I guess Gears would have no reason to lay traps for men... they have so many troops. But even so... Sol: That's enough. Potemkin: Understood. Heading for those coordinates. Sol: Wake me up when we get there. Potemkin: Do what you want. 6. [ Gearplant - Mother Justice ] Testament: Damnable humans. They are finally headed here. Dizzy: What's the situation? Testament: The entire Holy Order fleet is gathering. This is what you would call all-out war. Dizzy: What about our lineup? Testament: We have 7 flying-type. We have 2400 Independent Gears. All together, it's 7 times the enemy's strength. Dizzy: I shall go as well. Testament: There is no need for that... Dizzy: Let us be careful. We shall end the long battle here. Testament: Understood. Let us make this the demise of mankind! Dizzy: Mankind has injured this Earth too much. They must have the judgment of justice. Justice-sama... I take my leave. 7. [ Airship Meeting Room - Battle Begins ] Sol: What's the situation? Potemkin: The info was correct, at least. There's a sickening number of Gears... Officer: We've confirmed 7 flying-types, and for the regular types... unable to count! Probably more than a thousand! Sol: Easy battle. Potemkin: What? Sol: It means no need to aim. Potemkin: I see. Did you hear that? Officer: Sir! Opening all cannons! Sol: Ugh...! What...? Potemkin: Sir, what's wrong?... your Headgear! Dizzy: So there you were... filthy traitor! Officer: Sir, are you all right? Sol: All ships, deploy... Potemkin: To all ships: Deploy. Repeat. Deploy! Officer: Understood! We'll deploy as well! Dizzy: Gamma Ray! Potemkin: What was that...! Report on the fleet! Officer: With that attack... 50% of the fleet has been destroyed! Potemkin: Impossible! Sol: I'm leaving this to you! Potemkin: What! Where are you going at a time like this!? Sol: This battle... Dizzy's here. Potemkin: I see... that attack just now... I see! Sol: If we get her... the war is over. Potemkin: Understood. I will take command. Sol: Dizzy... just you wait. 8. [ Jellyfish Fleet - Revenge Seekers ] Potemkin: To all remaining troops. Contact the other ships. Officer: Understood. Message from the Jellyfish. Connecting... May: This is the Jellyfish... come in! Potemkin: This is the leader of the remaining troops, Potemkin. I am glad that you survived. May: Leave it to us! We'll take out as many as we can. Potemkin: Okay. The Jellyfish will head... Testament: Hahahaha! Potemkin: You...! Officer: You! Potemkin: Retreat, everyone! Testament: Huh, he isn't here? Well whatever! Take this... Exe Beast! Potemkin: The disturbance Gear... it actually existed. Testament: Disturbance? Not really... I'm you human's worst nightmare! Potemkin: The dream is over... this battle is now. Testament: That's right... the dream known as mankind will now disppear from this earth! Potemkin: Like I'll let you! Magnum Opera! Testament: Try and stop me... Nightmare Circular! * * * April: Come in, main ship! Come in! May: How is it? April: ...no response. It looks like they got even to the center... May: Then... we just have to work by ourselves... April: Yeah... then, captain! May: The Jellyfish fleet will now attack the enemy's main camp! Full speed! Ready the cannons! Follow me! April: Full speed, ready cannons! Follow me! May: If we win, tomorrow is waiting for us! If we lose... Johnny is waiting for us! If one falls, the rest continue! Now... let's go! 9. [ Gearplant Underground - Gearmaker ] I-No: Looks like everything's started above. And now nobody's here... I-No: I heard he was here... oh, over there? That Man: Dizzy? I-No: I'm a human, you know, human. I wanted to see you... don't move... (chains clattering) That Man: It seems I must thank you. I-No: Huh, being the stoneface, huh. Despite being the revolutionary... That Man: What do you know? I-No: I was hoping for more... the twisted creator of this lovely world. The man who created Gears. I thought you'd be living like a king here. To think that you're here as a prisoner... the dog bit the hand that fed it, I see? That Man: I have no power to control Gears. Everything is going not to plan. I-No: Huh, what a boring guy... That Man: This world is not what I wished for. This world is not what I created Gears for. I-No: Spare me the crybaby talk! Huh... and that's it, huh. That Man: Why did you come here. I-No: I got bored. Bored of this world... thought I'd meet you and make it Game Over... That Man: Game Over? Congraultions on the ending? What are you aiming for? I-No: It should be obvious: recreation! Recreation. This is a stage... there's such a thing called a role. Trash should be stepped on like trash... and those with power bathe in the spotlight, burning. Come now, everyone... the show is about to begin. That Man: Hm? 10. [ Final Battle - Game Over ] Dizzy: You traitor... why do you help mankind?! Sol: That's my line. Unlike Justice... your heart should be free. So why!? Why do you kill! Dizzy: Don't talk about mother so easily! You... I'll kill you! Sol: A kid's crying, huh. Dizzy: What did you say!? May: There! Open the cannons! Full assault! Dizzy: Insects! May: For Johnny's revenge...! Dizzy: Foolish ones... men are parasites that consume this planet! Sol: This little brat... destroying people just because she's irritated... can't save you now. Now you die. Dragon Install! Dizzy: You're jealous of mother! Be crushed! Sol: Volcanic Viper! * * * I-No: Whoa, amazing! That Man: It's unprotected... the hope of the world... is fading. I-No: Huh... so where's that glorious hope? That Man: Fate was against me. So is this the will of god? Perhaps the world will be saved after all. I-No: The will of god? You talking about the survival of the fittest? That Man: It's nothing as good-sounding as that. Survival of the fittest is no more than a realization. I believed that this ugly future was all that we could offer up to god. I-No: Haha! Sound great... you're interesting after all. I'll fix it up for you. But, the stage has to be flashier. That Man: What are you saying? I-No: It's troublesome so I can't do it very often, but I can change the the past. That Man: Violate causality? Don't joke. It's impossible to create such a paradox on an individual observable level. I-No: I don't bother with the theory. Just you watch... That Man: This is... this power is... temporal change! I-No: See you later, be back soon! 11. [ Battle of Rome - Take Two ] I-No: Now, this is... the Battle of Rome, ten years ago. What great timing. Ky: Needle Spike! Ky: I've made it this far... just five more minutes... Ride the Lightning! Ky: A large-type Gear, here...! Is I-No-san... safe... Ky: Still going! Ky: Are you my death god...? God, by your grace, please save my future! Holy Order Ougi... Spike Voltage! I-No: Ah-ha, found him! Ky: Holy Order Ougi... Spike Voltage! I-No: I'll make you scream... Ky: I-No-san! You were over here? I-No: It's been ten years, boy! Ky: Huh? I-No: Don't worry! Just forget about me. Ky: What...? Sol: Where'd that idiot go? Sol: Trash... move aside. Sol: Move aside! Tyrant Rave! Sol: I came to pick you up. Ky: Sol... Sol: This... did you do this? Ky: Huh? Y-yeah... looks like it. Sol: Yeesh... don't fiddle around. We're done hear. Time to retreat! Ky: Y-yeah... I got it. Ha... Sol: What are you worrying about now? Ky: Ah, nothing... if you're here, I feel safe. Sol: Yeesh... such a carefree guy. 12. [ Reality v2.0 ] Dizzy: Kyaah! What are you doing? I-No: Oh, such a cute scream! Won't you let me hear it some more? Dizzy: Kyah! Please stop... I can't hold back any longer... I-No: It's for him you know... you're a bother. Won't you disappear? Dizzy: That's... I-No: Huh... not very obedient. You're just a bunch of noise! Dizzy: Kyaah! Ky: Wait! I-No: Oh? And why are you here? Ky: Even if your opponent is a wanted person, I can't accept that behavior! I-No: Protecting a bounty? Do you understand what you're doing? Ky: Even if mankind has several paths, I only have one. And if there is grace in that, then God shall save me! I-No: God? Justice? Hahahah! Ky: What's so funny? I-No: I see. So the one that saved you is God. That's a good one. Ky: Here I come! I-No: Revolting against God? How foolish. Die! Narrator: Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Side Black. End. 13. [ Opening ] Narrator: Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Side Black: Letter. 14. [ Dizzy's Letter ] Dizzy: How are you? It's Dizzy. When I sit here and write this letter to you, I can't help thinking "I've come so far"... it's already been three months since I've joined this ship. Since then, we've been traveling around the world. To think the world was this big... I had no idea when I was in that forest. There are things I'm still not used to yet, but I'm happy. And this is all thanks to you. 15. [ Mayship - Jellyfish Pirates ] May: Hey hey, Dizzy, what are you writing? Hey, a letter! Dizzy: M-May! You can't look! May: If it's a letter, want me to send it for you? Dizzy: No, I'll send it myself. It's my day off, so... May: I see... so you're going out! Dizzy: Yes... May: Mm, will you be okay by yourself? Shall I go too? Johnny: Heeeey! You've got work to do, don't you? May: Eheh... I got caught. Johnny: Yeesh... well, Dizzy. Dizzy: Yes? Johnny: Who is that letter to? Dizzy: U-um... it's a secret. Johnny: Uh, I see, I see. Secrets, secrets eh. Well, a good woman must have a hundred, a thousand, maybe ten thousand secrets. Dizzy: Hundred? Thousand? Ten thousand? Johnny: Never mind that... speaking of secrets... Dizzy... just make sure you don't show your true self, eh? After all, we're PIRATES... Dizzy: Ok, I'll be careful. Johnny: Sorry for the domestic talk. It's your vacation after all. Go and spread your wings! Dizzy: Okay! May: Wow! Always such pretty wings every time I see them... can I touch them? Dizzy: That tickles! Johnny: N-nono, that's not what I meant... I just meant go and have a good time. Dizzy: S-sorry! Johnny: Do you have your allowance? How about toothbrush? Change of clothes? Dizzy: I'll be okay. I have everything. Johnny: Then, there's just one thing left... Johnny and May: Have a good trip! Dizzy: Thanks, I'm leaving! 16. [ Departure ] April: Ah, Dizzy, you're going below, right? We'll send out a message. Dizzy: April-san! No, it's ok, I can just fly down. April: What will you do if somebody sees you? It'll be bad if people find out... Dizzy: That's right... April: I'll lend you a disguise! Here's some glasses... and a wig! Try putting it on! Dizzy: ...does it suit me? April: Yeah, perfect! Now nobody will know who you are. Dizzy: Thanks. April: Oh, and gotta hide your wings and tail too... ok, go on, go on! April: Okay miss, where to? ...or something like that. Dizzy: To the south, please. April: Okay, let's go! * * * April: Here we are! Are you sure this little village is okay? There's nothing here... Dizzy: It's fine... this place is nostalgic for me. I'll stay the night here. April: I see... well, we'll pick you up here, okay? Dizzy: Yes. April: Ok then, see you tomorrow! Dizzy: Bye! Dizzy: Is he still here...? 17. [ Arrival - Village Rumor ] Dizzy: Excuse me! Innkeep: Welcome, pretty lady! Dizzy: I'd like a room for the night... Innkeep: Just for tonight? Dizzy: Eh? Innkeep: Our village is having a big meeting from tomorrow, so... I've been expecting reservations. Dizzy: I see... well, I'm going home tomorrow, so... just tonight is fine. Innkeep: Okay! Please write your name down here. Dizzy: (Name? It'd probably be bad putting down 'Dizzy'... okay, I'll put down 'May'!) Innkeep: Oh, May-san is it? What are you doing in a village like this? Dizzy: Just looking around for some things. Innkeep: In a run-down village like this? Well, okay... it's best not to get too close to the forest. Dizzy: Eh? Innkeep: They say it's the Demon's Forest... that there have been monsters living there for a long time. Dizzy: I-I see... Innkeep: It's not just a rumor, you know? A while back a bunch of bounty hunters gathered there, it was a big uproar. Well, I won't go into the messy details... just don't get too close, miss. Dizzy: O-okay, I'll be careful. Ky: Excuse me. Ky: Master! Innkeep: Welcome! Staying the night? Ky: No. I am Ky Kiske of the International Police. Dizzy: (Oh no! What shall I do?) Innkeep: We're not doing anything the police would be interested in... Ky: There is a report that a bandit group is lurking around here. If you know anything, perhaps I can ask for your cooperation? Innkeep: Bandits? No clue! If you're not a customer, please leave. Ky: Excuse me. Oh miss, are you visiting here? Dizzy: Y-yes... (Good, it looks like he didn't notice... of course, I'm wearing a disguise...) Ky: A young lady travelling alone can be dangerous. Shall I escort you? Dizzy: No, I'll be fine, thank you. Ky: I see. Well, as I said before there are rumors that an illegal bandit group will appear around here... please be careful. Dizzy: Yes, I'll be careful. Dizzy: (Bandits? That's worrying...) * * * Baker: Welcome! How are you, miss? We just baked up another batch of bread. Dizzy: Wow, looks delicious! Can I have two of those over there? I'll make a lunch out of it. Baker: A lunch, eh? Shall I make it a sandwich? Dizzy: Ah, yes please. Potato salad then, please. Baker: Okay! Two potato salad sandwiches. Dizzy: And... um... Baker: Yes? You're cute, so I'll add on something extra for ya. Dizzy: Um... I heard that a bandit group will appear around here... Baker: Bandits? Haha... um... we don't have anything like that in our village. Dizzy: I see... sorry for bringing up something weird. Baker: Not at all. As long as you understand that's ok. Here ya go. Dizzy: Um, I haven't paid yet... Baker: Money? Uh well... sorry, I was distracted. Okay, there we go. Dizzy: Thanks. Dizzy: (He was shaking... there must be a bandit group coming after all... What shall I do? I can't just ignore these people and go home. I know I could take on a group by myself, but...) Johnny: (Just make sure you don't show your true self, eh?) Dizzy: (I can't... if I do that I'll reveal myself? What should I do... maybe he'll know...) 18. [ Demon Forest - Reunion ] Dizzy: I wonder... is he still here? Dizzy: Testament-san! Testament-san! Testament: You. Who are you? This is not a place for humans to draw near. Dizzy: Testament-san! It's me. Me! Testament: What? Dizzy: Huh? Oh, that's right, I was in disguise... how's this? Testament: Dizzy! Dizzy: Don't say you don't recognize me now! Testament: Hey, you can't blame it all on me. Haven't you grown a bit taller? Dizzy: Maybe so. Testament-san... it's been awhile. Testament: Yes. Welcome home, Dizzy. * * * Dizzy: Testament-san, have you been in this forest all this time? Testament: I swore to always protect this forest. I have no reason to leave anyway. Dizzy: I'm happy, but... aren't you lonely? Testament: Did you come all this way just to worry about me? And anyway, did something happen with you? Dizzy: Um... I'm on vacation, so I just dropped by... Testament: I see. Thanks for coming. I can't do much for you, but please relax here for awhile. Dizzy: I was planning on that, so I brought some lunch. Please do. Testament: Thank you. Dizzy: I'll pour some tea for you. * * * Dizzy: That was delicious. Testament: Are you worrying about something? Dizzy: Yes... it seems that the nearby village will be under attack by bandits. Testament: Oh? That's the first I've heard of it. Dizzy: I'd like to help them, but... if I reveal myself, it'll be a problem for everybody in the crew... Testament: I'd be glad to help, but it would mean bloodshed... this is not a body that can hold back. Dizzy: W-well, it's not like we know for certain the bandits are bad people... Testament: I think banditry is a bad thing... not something I can really say as a Gear, but... Dizzy: Our crew... does it a lot... um... banditry, that is... Testament: Haha, that's true. But anyway... I can't help. Dizzy: I see. That's true... sorry. Testament: No need to apologize. All you have to do is do what you think is right. Dizzy: But... then everybody in the crew... Testament: Even if your crew kicks you out, you can always come back here. There is always a place for you. Dizzy: Thanks... I think everybody will forgive me, though. Testament: Then there's no problem. Dizzy: You think so? Testament: Whether to believe the Jellyfish... that's for you to decide. Dizzy: I think I understand. And, Testament... here, a letter. Testament: Letter? Dizzy: I've been writing it for awhile. There's no address here so I couldn't send it, though... Testament: Thank you. This is quite long. Dizzy: I've been writing for a long time. Testament: I see. Dizzy: Then... I'll go, now. Testament: Have a safe trip. Dizzy: Um... Testament? Testament: What? Dizzy: I'm going to keep on writing letters, so... I'd be happy if you lived somewhere where I could send them. Testament: Heh. I'll think about it. Farewell. 19. [ Next Morning - Premonition of Attack ] Innkeep: May-san, breakfast is ready. Innkeep: May-san? It's time for breakfast. May-san? Wake up please! Dizzy: May? That's me! Yes! I'm getting up! Dizzy: Wow, such a delicious-looking stew! Innkeep: Heh. We're a poor village, but we can do this much. Go on, please eat before it gets too cold. Dizzy: Okay! Itadakimasu! Dizzy: It's delicious! * * * Dizzy: Gochisoosama deshita. Innkeep: Sorry to rush you, but there is a meeting today... could I ask you to leave early? Dizzy: Understood... what kind of meeting? Innkeep: Um... just with the next village... you know... Dizzy: The policeman said bandits, didn't he? Innkeep: May-san... there are things in this world it's better off not knowing. Please, leave here quickly. Dizzy: Okay... * * * Dizzy: Why do they hide it? Maybe they've taken hostages? Then, I've got to take care of them quickly... won't anybody tell me? Girl: Mommy, they're coming today, right? Dizzy: Um... who is coming? Girl: Don't you know? There's this really large ship, and it comes flying and... ow! Mom: Geez! What are you saying? Dizzy: Please wait! Mom: Who are you? Dizzy: Um... a traveler... Mom: Today is an important meeting for us, so we don't like outsiders here. So please leave quickly! Dizzy: I'm sorry... * * * Dizzy: What should I do? I got chased out... but it seems the bandits will come today... I have to have a plan. Girl: Oh, it's you! Dizzy: You're that girl... Girl: My mom got angry at me earlier because of you. Dizzy: I'm sorry! But she got angry at me too, so we're in it together. Girl: Oh, really? Dizzy: Um... you said 'they're' coming today, right? Could you tell me who? Girl: Hmm, what should I do? Hey, that looks delicious! Dizzy: This sandwich? I only have one left, but... I'll be glad to share half with you. Girl: Hmm... ok, half! Dizzy: Ah! You took it all, didn't you. Girl: Haha! That was delicious! Okay, ask me anything. Dizzy: Geez. And... where do the bandits come from? Girl: From a big ship in the sky! They come flying down on ropes... Dizzy: (An airship... if there are hostages, the villagers can't do a thing. If I'm going to attack, it's while they're coming down...) What's their manpower? Girl: Manpower? Dizzy: Um... how many people usually come? Girl: Hmm... about 10 people come down. Dizzy: (Ten people take control of the village... I wonder if they're well- trained...) And, when do they come? Girl: Right now! Dizzy: Eh? Girl: Look, there! Dizzy: Okay! Wait here! I'll take care of the bandits! Girl: Oh miss! You've got wings!? Dizzy: Johnny-san, sorry! You'll forgive me, right? 20. [ Bandits Arrive - Battle ] Dizzy: They're here! To anybody who would hurt that cheerful village, they get this! Undine! April: An attack? Where from!? May: The ship won't hold. Evacuate! April: Wait! Evacuate!? April: Kyaaaah! May: April! What did you do to my friend!? Dizzy: Please surrender, I don't want to hurt you! May: I'm afraid I can't do that! We have a duty here. Iruka-san! Dizzy: That won't work! May: What!? Guruguru Attack! Dizzy: So strong! Flying in the sky even without wings... here I come! May: Come on! May: Take that! May: Ow! Dizzy: Dodge THIS one! May: Man, this one's all over the place! Dizzy: Imperial Ray! Dizzy: I held back. Please, draw back from this village. May: Ow-ow... and who are you? Johnny: And that's something I want to know too... huh? You're...! Dizzy: Johnny-san! Huh? May?! May: "May?" That voice is... Dizzy!? What are you doing here? Dizzy: Huh? Huh? Then the person who fell earlier... Dizzy and May: April! * * * April: Kyaaaah! April: Ugh... I thought I was going to die... 21. [ Battle Over - Festival ] May: I see... you thought the village was going to be under attack by bandits... Dizzy: Yeah... May: Well, it happens! Huh? Didn't I tell you? We always split our spoils with needy villages like this one. Dizzy: I'll remember it... April: (loudspeaker) Hello! The Jellyfish has come again this year! We've brought plenty of food and clothes! Please take it with you! May: April, can I have that a sec? April: Huh? What's wrong? May: (loudspeaker) Ahem test test... everyone! I'll introduce our newest member! She just joined this year... Dizzy! Dizzy: Um... nice to meet you! I'll do my best! Mom: You're... that girl from earlier? Dizzy: Yes... Mom: Oh, so you're with the crew! Sorry about earlier! Dizzy: No, I misunderstood earlier. Mom: The crew is always a big help to us. Ten years ago, during the Holy War... our village was under attack by Gears. The person who saved us was your captain! He's always been such a nice man! Dizzy: Y-yeah, that's true. Mom: Now we're doing things too... the crew helps us move things from village to village. Dizzy: I see... Girl: Ne, Dizzy-oneechan! Show me your wings, your wings! Mom: Hey! Don't be so rude! Dizzy: No, it's all right! Here... Dizzy: That tickles! Mom: Geez... 22. [ Men ] Testament: You make me worry. Johnny: Just you look... isn't she fitting in well? Testament: I must thank you. Johnny: It doesn't make me that happy when men thank me... and besides that, just how long are you planning to stay here? Testament: What? Johnny: Don't tell me it's always going to be the Demon's Forest! There's no reason anymore. But... the exit should be open. Testament: No... never mind me. Johnny: Oh, you're getting older... how human of you. Well? Ready to try the kindness of mankind again? Testament: Humans do kind things. They're always kind to their friends. That is why they can be cruel to others. Johnny: Huh, is your only friend Dizzy? Huh! Why don't you try including a little more into your 'friends'? Testament: Easy for you to say. Johnny: Making new friends, that's simple effort. Well... I don't think you want my advice on that. And you know... humans can also think this way: "A friend of a friend... is my friend." Haha... how about it? Have you learned from her? Testament: Hm. That may be right. I guess I may try moving out of this forest. Johnny: Oh really? When you've decided where to, let me know. Testament: Don't worry about me. It'll be a bother. And anyway... what are YOUR friends? Johnny: That's obvious! My friends are... the charming maidens living in loneliness and unfortunate circumstances around the world. Testament: A joke, right? Farewell, my compatriot. Johnny: Hey! I'm always serious! Hahaha... well whatever. It looks like even he's changed a little... that's good to know. Testament: First... I should write a response. Huh... it's been about 50 years since I wrote a letter... 23. [ Men ] Fujita Kazue: This is Fujita Kazue, the role of Dizzy. Guilty Gear XX Drama CD, Red Battle, is what you just heard. How was it? I've been allowed to do the role of Dizzy for awhile, and I've come to know many of her aspects. From not being able to believe in humans, the Dizzy trapped in the Demon's Forest, and then meeting Testament, and then entering the Jellyfish - Dizzy's personality has changed quite a bit. Thanks to everybody in the crew, she's become more humanlike... or rather, she's more accepting of humanity... or something along those lines, and I've felt that she's become very cute. This time, as opposed to all that, I've met a different Dizzy... a Dizzy that's the enemy of humankind. Instead of one always overflowing with kindness, I've seen the scary side to Dizzy for the first time. The normal Dizzy is a kind girl, even though she's been through hard times. The Dizzy this time hates humans. But, I think that that's because her mother, Justice, was killed by the humans, and so I don't think her inner kindness has changed at all. Perhaps a kind heart, and a hating heart, are just like a mismatched button. That Dizzy, when turning on May, probably felt it deeply and was saddened. The Drama CD is finished, but the Guilty Gear world continues. When that time comes, I hope to be able to meet you with the smiling Dizzy. Let us meet once again. 24. [ A Message from Dizzy to You ] Dizzy: Um... it's time to wake up? The sun is already up... I know you're still sleepy. Come on? Good morning. Dizzy: You have an important event today. Please don't forget it! Dizzy: Ah, are you leaving? Please do your best today! Dizzy: Thank you for your work... I mean, please work hard! Go safely! Dizzy: I'm sorry... the person you're calling is out... umm... please leave a message after the beep, or something like that... Dizzy: Ah, you've got a letter! Great! Dizzy: Gotten hungry... shall we eat? Itadakimasu! Dizzy: I see... that's too bad. But please don't be too down... tomorrow will definitely be better. Dizzy: Good job for today! Good night! Dizzy: Um... staying up all night is bad for you... I know it's hard, but please think about your body...
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