| - Scraplets are one of Cybertron's worst pests. Working as a large swarm, they break up and consume metal. They seem to have a particular taste for living Cybertronian metal. During the Great War on Cybertron, Cybertronians managed to capture them and place them in pods as traps for the curious enemies to find. Like other Cybertronian species, they are highly subceptible to cold temperatures.
- Scraplets are robotic parasites. They are semi-sentient robotic lifeforms, generally about five centimetres tall. Like the Transformers, Scraplets are capable of transforming between two modes: they transform from various humanoid or animal modes to nuts or bolts. In the comic, the Scraplets first appeared as an interplanetary cloud which a Decepticon cargo freighter passed through on its voyage from Cybertron to Earth. During the incident, the pilot of the freighter was infected by the Scraplets and involuntarily brought them to Earth along with him.
| - Scraplets are robotic parasites. They are semi-sentient robotic lifeforms, generally about five centimetres tall. Like the Transformers, Scraplets are capable of transforming between two modes: they transform from various humanoid or animal modes to nuts or bolts. In the comic, the Scraplets first appeared as an interplanetary cloud which a Decepticon cargo freighter passed through on its voyage from Cybertron to Earth. During the incident, the pilot of the freighter was infected by the Scraplets and involuntarily brought them to Earth along with him. Scraplets feed on other robotic lifeforms, which makes them very dangerous to them. Scraplets generally travel in large packs in search for robots, and upon finding one, they eagerly jump onto it, fastening themselves on the robot's armour plating. Once fastened, the Scraplets release some kind of corrosive agent that both allows them to sink partly underneath the armour plating and make them impossible to remove. Using the raw materials of the host, a single Scraplet can multiply itself many times over, creating further Scraplets and rapidly overwhelming the host. As the feeding continues, the host robot begins to rust and decay, withering away until its inevitable death. Scraplets are - in effect - very contagious, so other robots in the vicinity of an infected robot risk infection themselves. Scraplets also have the ability to combine large numbers of themselves into a single, giant, humanoid-shaped creature, in order for them to attack large-scale threats/food. However, Scraplets have one major weakness: plain old water is fatally poisonous to them. When doused with water, a Scraplet loosens its grip on the host robot and falls away, allowing it to be safely destroyed without harming the host. The origin and homeworld of the Scraplets has never been explained in the comic.
- Scraplets are one of Cybertron's worst pests. Working as a large swarm, they break up and consume metal. They seem to have a particular taste for living Cybertronian metal. During the Great War on Cybertron, Cybertronians managed to capture them and place them in pods as traps for the curious enemies to find. Like other Cybertronian species, they are highly subceptible to cold temperatures. In the episode "Scrapheap", Bumblebee & Bulkhead found Scraplet-trap in the Artic. Not knowing what it was, they brought it back to the Autobot base. Eventually the Scraplets warmed up and ate through the metal trap. One was met by Raf who initially thought it was a pet of the Autobots. However when he showed the Scraplet to the Autobots they reacted with fear, especially Bulkhead. Noticing the living metal infront of it, the Scraplet suddenly ran across the floor and attacked Bumblebee, managing to give him a large wound before Raf smashed the Scraplet. The group searched for the rest of the swarm. Eventually they found it but were overwhelmed by the sheer number of them. Luckily, since they do not eat organics, the human children managed to hold off the swarm just enough for Ratchet to open a Groundbridge to the Artic. Not only did this rescue a stranded Optimus and Arcee, but with Bulkhead luring them through, it also refroze the swarm. I Orion Pax part 3, a swarm was seen consuming the ruins of Cybertron. When Jack Darby opened the door to Vector Sigma, they followed him. When Vector Sigma began downloading information into its Key, the Scraplets swarmed and began to consume it. At this point, Jack Darby was attacked by an Insecticon. Thinking quickly, jack grabbed one of the Scraplets and tossed it at the Insecticon. Sensing the living metal, the rest of the Scraplets swarmed around the insecticon and in a mad fury to be rid of them, the Insecticon fell down a large chasm with Scraplets not far behind.