| - Note 1: Again, one of my friends wanted me to post their character for them. Any character info is created by them, not me. Note 2: My friends and me had a discussion about his characters last name, and yes, we let him be fantasticKlutz/FK's brother in the roleplay. He's a long lost older brother of FK's inside the roleplay. In real life, just a friend. =P pesterchum Handle: guardianofTheuniverse (/GT) First Name: Noah Last Name: Corredeti Age: 18 Appearance: Bright Brown Hair, White Jacket, Dark Gray Long-Sleeved Shirt, Dark Blue Jeans, & Dark Green Shoes. Occupation: Unknown to Anyone.
| - Note 1: Again, one of my friends wanted me to post their character for them. Any character info is created by them, not me. Note 2: My friends and me had a discussion about his characters last name, and yes, we let him be fantasticKlutz/FK's brother in the roleplay. He's a long lost older brother of FK's inside the roleplay. In real life, just a friend. =P pesterchum Handle: guardianofTheuniverse (/GT) First Name: Noah Last Name: Corredeti Age: 18 Appearance: Bright Brown Hair, White Jacket, Dark Gray Long-Sleeved Shirt, Dark Blue Jeans, & Dark Green Shoes. Occupation: Unknown to Anyone. Likes: Peace, Quiet, Music, Art, Flying, Leaping, Sweets, & Keeping the World Safe. Dislikes: Being Asked Too Many Questions at a Time, Evil/Rude People, & Vegetables. Personality: Usually Quiet, Adventurous, Overly Protective of Everything, & Kind. History: Currently Unknown. Will not tell many people.