| - (Spock comes running in and takes aim) KIRK: No, no! Don't shoot. Come on over, Mister Spock. (He does so, and squats by the Captain.) SPOCK: Fascinating. It's made no moves against you? KIRK: No. It seems to be waiting. I tried talking to it, but it didn't do any good. (Spock points at a pile of silicon nodules.) KIRK: Yes, they're all through here, all over the place. Thousands of them. SPOCK: Yes, I see. KIRK: Does it means something to you? SPOCK: Possibly the answer, Captain, but I'm not certain. Captain, you are aware of the Vulcan technique of the joining of two minds. SPOCK: It's possible.
| - (Spock comes running in and takes aim) KIRK: No, no! Don't shoot. Come on over, Mister Spock. (He does so, and squats by the Captain.) SPOCK: Fascinating. It's made no moves against you? KIRK: No. It seems to be waiting. I tried talking to it, but it didn't do any good. (Spock points at a pile of silicon nodules.) KIRK: Yes, they're all through here, all over the place. Thousands of them. SPOCK: Yes, I see. KIRK: Does it means something to you? SPOCK: Possibly the answer, Captain, but I'm not certain. Captain, you are aware of the Vulcan technique of the joining of two minds. KIRK: You think you can get through to that thing? SPOCK: It's possible. KIRK: Mister Spock, I know it's a terrible personal lowering of mental barriers but if there's a chance SPOCK: I'll try. (He fastens his phaser to his belt and carefully approaches the worried creature. Without touching, he concentrates for a moment and then cries out.) SPOCK: Pain! Pain! Pain! (he staggers back) That's all I got, Captain. Waves and waves of searing pain. It's in agony. (The creature climbs onto a rock ledge and etches letters into it.) KIRK: No kill I. What is that, a plea for us not to kill it, or a promise that it won't kill us? SPOCK: I don't know, Captain.