| - In the year 2161, the newly promoted Resthenar sh'Prenni became Vol'Rala's captain, when the Imperial Guard was integrated into the Federation Starfleet. After the United Rigel Worlds and Colonies entered the Federation in 2164, the Vol'Rala headed Starfleet's efforts to eradicate piracy in the Kandari sector. In early 2165, she was undergoing maintenance at Earth before transporting Captain Malcolm Reed and Lieutenant Valeria Williams to the USS Pioneer at Vulcan Space Central. From there, she joined Captain Reed's joint Andorian Guard/UESPA task force formed to combat the Ware. It was suspected by Pioneer's first officer Travis Mayweather that either Admiral Jonathan Archer or Admiral Thy'lek Shran had arranged for that to happen, to have an Enterprise at such an important mission. The task force's objective was to support and provide defense for Pioneer during her investigations into the Ware's intentions. Vol'Rala and the rest of the task force was ordered to wait on the edge of the sector to avoid provoking a war. On May 26, the Pioneer was attacked by a group of Ware battleships after raiding a Ware trading post. With the support of the USS Trenkanshent sh'Lavan and the USS Flabbjellah, the Vol'Rala destroyed the Ware reinforcements headed for the severely damaged Pioneer, while the USS Kinaph crippled the last drone ship attacking her. In the beginning of June, the USS Thelasa-vei provided a distraction for the Starfleet task force to capture the Ware hub complex. A few days later a sizable Ware fleet arrived to retake the station. During the battle, the Vol'Rala suffered heavy damage, but was ready for the final assault on the Ware command ship when it was shut down by Lieutenant Commander Mayweather and other kidnap victims from the inside. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Uncertain Logic)