| - Go To Hell (Vete al Infierno en español) es una canción de la famosa y exitosa banda de metal Alice Cooper. Esta canción aparece en Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City. Esta canción apareció en el álbum Goes To Hell, en el año 1976. Dura 5:58 minutos. Esta canción consta de 3 solos de guitarra; el primero comienza al desde el principio hasta el minuto 0:45, el segundo solo comienza en el minuto 1:55 y termina en el minuto 3:42, y el tercero y último comienza en el minuto 4:14 y termina hasta el final de la canción.
- Go To Hell (ゴー・トゥ・ヘル, Gō Tu Heru) is a block hissatsu technique.
- Go to Hell is the third episode in the eighth season of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
- Thể loại:Kỹ năng Go To Hell (ゴー・トゥ・ヘル) là kỹ năng phòng thủ trong thế giới Inazuma Eleven.
- Level: Crossbows/firearms Light/heavy 7 Spell Resistance: no Firing a shot into your enemy that sends them off their balance and tosses them upwards, you begin juggling them with your bullet fire, letting them fall once they've reached a deadly height. As a full attack action, make a full attack against a single creature within your gun's reach. You gain two additional attacks at your highest base attack bonus when you use this technique. For every hit you successfully land on your opponent, you deal normal damage and an additional 2d10, and the creature is knocked back 5 feet in any direction you choose. This provokes attacks of opportunity from that creature, allowing others to assault them for moving, however each creature who's threatened space it passes through only gains a single att
- After Daniel Dennett and John Searle die they face judgment together........ St. Pete: I brought you both here today because your argument about strong AI and the Mind has raised doubts about whether you both lived your lives as noble philosophers, worthy of final rest in Heaven, or as bickering ignoramuses who deserve to go to Hell. Dennett: "Whew! I had feared that there was a special Hell reserved for all philosophers." St. Pete: "No, but there is a special Hell for each individual, and it is my job to sometimes make sure that people get to experience their personal Hell." St. Pete: "Yes."
- Beneath the gray clouds and dark skies, a Gate from Hell opened up, leaking out a dark power that left the air tense. Sun Wukong felt the uneasy sensation that was strong enough to choke him a bit as he took a deep breath. "So this is where all that commotion came from, huh?" he asked himself as he stepped from the gate. Sun eyed the landscape and was horrified at what he saw. It appeared as though the World had ended in this section of the world and this section of the world alone. The ground was scarred for as far as the eye could see and littered with what appeared to be a large accumulation of ice over a large portion of the landscape.
| - Go To Hell (Vete al Infierno en español) es una canción de la famosa y exitosa banda de metal Alice Cooper. Esta canción aparece en Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City. Esta canción apareció en el álbum Goes To Hell, en el año 1976. Dura 5:58 minutos. Esta canción consta de 3 solos de guitarra; el primero comienza al desde el principio hasta el minuto 0:45, el segundo solo comienza en el minuto 1:55 y termina en el minuto 3:42, y el tercero y último comienza en el minuto 4:14 y termina hasta el final de la canción.
- Level: Crossbows/firearms Light/heavy 7 Spell Resistance: no Firing a shot into your enemy that sends them off their balance and tosses them upwards, you begin juggling them with your bullet fire, letting them fall once they've reached a deadly height. As a full attack action, make a full attack against a single creature within your gun's reach. You gain two additional attacks at your highest base attack bonus when you use this technique. For every hit you successfully land on your opponent, you deal normal damage and an additional 2d10, and the creature is knocked back 5 feet in any direction you choose. This provokes attacks of opportunity from that creature, allowing others to assault them for moving, however each creature who's threatened space it passes through only gains a single attack of opportunity if they have them.
- Beneath the gray clouds and dark skies, a Gate from Hell opened up, leaking out a dark power that left the air tense. Sun Wukong felt the uneasy sensation that was strong enough to choke him a bit as he took a deep breath. "So this is where all that commotion came from, huh?" he asked himself as he stepped from the gate. Sun eyed the landscape and was horrified at what he saw. It appeared as though the World had ended in this section of the world and this section of the world alone. The ground was scarred for as far as the eye could see and littered with what appeared to be a large accumulation of ice over a large portion of the landscape. "Mōen, Nagame, and Hibari... keep an eye out." Sun called as he leaped towards the ground below. Three figures followed Sun, cloaked in fully black attire and hidden behind white masks, as the gate closed behind them. Landing one by one on the ground below, the four kept quiet as they surveyed the area. Mōen, the lanky figure who was denoted by the pair of swords sheathed on his back, was the first to speak up. "We'll need to keep on our toes, whatever happens here anything goes!" he called in an obnoxious rhyme. "Can't ya speak in anything besides rhymes!" cooed Hibari, the largest of the four who was hidden behind a mask reminiscent to a boar. Sun made a gesture for them to all quiet down, nodding his head towards the distance. The field was littered with corpses; some impaled on large glaciers while others were crushed beneath the grand floes. "It seems the person who caused this hasn't yet left..." Sun said with a cold tone, one that was easily out matched by the frigid cold air. The very same cold air brushed the face of the creature behind this cold onslaught, and he felt the portal from his former home materialize the instant it so did -- Flamen had no fond memories of Hell, it had been a cage, if a gilded one. Every day he spent in that prison grated upon his delicate nerves, it wasn't odd that he felt just a teeny bit put off by sensing its presence after such a long time. He could feel several presences enter into the region, he estimated it to be between three to four, their energy levels were for the most part merely average, except for a single presence; whose spiritual power far exceeded even his own --- the Diabolus though knew little fear, and rather than quivering with fear like most others would've done in such a situation, he simply grinned and awaited the newcomers. Hopefully, he could amuse himself with them. The four escapees from Hell marched through the wasteland that was before them, dumbfounded as to what could have caused such damage. Someone or something had caused this catastrophe and Sun sought to figure out who. He was sound that the perpetrator was lingering about; the energies that seemed to cling to every bit of land around Sun radiated with a dark aura. Through the sea of spiritual energy, Sun felt one oddity among it all. It gave off a dark and demonic vibe that he had not felt since Hell, yet it didn't feel like Hell. "Aye, ya guys feel dat funky energy?" Hibari called, trying to spark conversation. Hibari could only drag a grunt from Mōen while Nagame remained quiet as he always had. "This is why nobody likes either of ya!"
- Go To Hell (ゴー・トゥ・ヘル, Gō Tu Heru) is a block hissatsu technique.
- Go to Hell is the third episode in the eighth season of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
- Thể loại:Kỹ năng Go To Hell (ゴー・トゥ・ヘル) là kỹ năng phòng thủ trong thế giới Inazuma Eleven.
- After Daniel Dennett and John Searle die they face judgment together........ St. Pete: I brought you both here today because your argument about strong AI and the Mind has raised doubts about whether you both lived your lives as noble philosophers, worthy of final rest in Heaven, or as bickering ignoramuses who deserve to go to Hell. Dennett: "Whew! I had feared that there was a special Hell reserved for all philosophers." St. Pete: "No, but there is a special Hell for each individual, and it is my job to sometimes make sure that people get to experience their personal Hell." Searle: "Yikes! I must confess that debating with Dennett about Strong AI often seemed like Hell on Earth. I hope that we are not here together in the After Life because we are going to continue to share that Hell for the rest of Eternity." St. Pete: "I sense that you are both troubled over the prospect of going to Hell and unable to maintain, shall I say, a philosophical attitude about the prospect. I can tell you this, He let slip the fact that although it may be true that you both deserve to go to Hell, since you did debate a yes-or-no philosophical issue and one of you had to be correct, only one of you will go to Hell. Dennett: "You should have brought your asbestos nappies, John, I'm sure I was right about AI." St. Pete: "Better not count your chickens before they hatch, Dan." Searle: "Why keep us in suspense? Just tell us who was right about AI and which of us is going to Hell." St. Pete: "He knows which of you is going to Hell, but He has cornered the market on omnipotence. The three of us will find out together which of you is going to Hell." Dennett: "How will you decide the case?" St. Pete: "Again you jump to an unwarranted conclusion. There is a decision algorithm, but all I do is execute the program." Searle: "Are you saying that some computer is going to decide which of us goes to Hell?" St. Pete: "Well, 'some computer' is rather vague language for a philosopher to use, but rather than pick nits, as I recall from your writings, both of you agree that the universe is a type of computer." Dennett: "And if you are part of the universe then you are a computer too, so it could both be true that you are going to decide and a computer (you) is going to decide." St. Pete: "Well, I wouldn't be able to sleep nights if I had to have it on my conscience that I was the one that decides who goes to Hell, so the process is a little less personal with respect to my role. I have here....." [St. Pete unrolls a glowing golden scroll] "......the algorithm for deciding which of you will go to Hell. The instantiation of this program is all His handiwork, just like everything else." Searle: "Wow! So God is a computer programmer, eh?" St. Pete: "In a sense. Shall we get on with it then?" Dennett: "Can't you show us the code? What language does God program in?" St. Pete: "Quickly now, I'm a busy angel." [St. Pete turns the scroll around and lets the two philosophers have a look] "I'm afraid it will only appear as a meaningless collection of symbols to you, but I'll tell you what it means. [St. Pete turns the scroll around again and reads] "In a minute I am going to place each of you into your own personal testing room. In your room, you will find an Intelligent Robot." Searle: "A real functioning robot that can think and talk?" St. Pete: "Yes." Dennett: "Oh oh, John, its looking bad for you! Real thinking robots!" St. Pete: "Dan, please stop jumping to wild conclusions." Searle: "I've always said the people are just thinking machines. The question is, are the minds of these robots powered by Good Old Fashioned AI?" St. Pete: "Hmmm......." [St. Pete mumbles as he reads the entire scroll to himself] "It doesn't say if the robots were created by Good Old Fashioned AI." Dennett: "Can you at least tell us if it is possible to make a thinking robot using Good Old Fashioned AI?" St. Pete: "No, the decision algorithm explicitly precludes me from answering that question. However, when you get into your testing room you will each be allowed to ask your robot one question. Further more, your robot knows the answer to every philosophical question that you have ever asked." Searle: "So I can ask the robot about AI? St. Pete: "Yes. Are you ready?" [Searle nods and is whisked away to his testing room] Dennett: "Yes." [Dennett is transported to his testing room. After 10 seconds Searle returns to St. Pete] St. Pete: "Well, how did it go?" Searle: "Well, I got to the testing room and I asked the robot, 'How can I convince Dennett that he was wrong and that claims of Strong AI were wrong?' The answer from the robot was, "You can't. I am an example of a computer running a conventional AI program which creates my mind.' Then I came back here." St. Pete: "Don't let it bother you. There are worse things than being wrong. Let's go. [St. Pete starts pulling Searle up towards Heaven.] Searle: "Can't we wait for Dennett, I'd like to hear what he asked his robot." St. Pete: "I can tell you that. [St. Pete checks the golden scroll.] Dennett's question was, 'How can I convince Searle that he was wrong, tell me how Good Old Fashioned AI can program a computer to have a human mind.' Now, let's go." Searle: "Gee, I'd like to hear what Dennett finds out." St. Pete: "I'm a busy angel, I don't have time to wait for Dennett to come out his testing room. Its going to take most of the rest of eternity for that robot to explain to Dennett how to program a computer to have a mind. [And with that, Searle is taken to Heaven where he quickly gets over having been wrong about Strong AI.]