| - The score was mostly derived from the London production, but used the Broadway music for Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, resulting in the version of the song used in the vast majority of productions ever since. The Vienna production also introduced the mute Mistoffelees, a concept later used in other production, such as Amsterdam and Australasia. Notable features of the score include:
* Invitation is sung by Munkustrap, and included the second ensemble chorus.
* Gumbie Cat includes the entire tap number, including the tap-off section with Quaxo.
* Munkustrap and Alonzo sing "Terrible bore" of Tugger.
* The Bustopher solo is shortened.
* As the origin of the current version of Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, the line distribution was different, with much more sung in unison. Later in the Vienna run, the song was shortened, using the same cut as is used in the Film version.
* Old Deuteronomy contains the instrumental interlude and a shortened second verse, from "The digestive repose..." onwards, sung by Tugger.
* The Jellicle Ball contains no cuts to the dance music.
* Jellylorum and Jemima's lines in the Grizabella reprise are present.
* Growltiger sings the aria, and the full sword fight music is included.
* The beginning of the Macavity fight is included.