| - The main platform was accessible from the Apex Base Site, a structure on top of a towering hill comprised of a series of ramps, containing a transporter pad. It was located on the inner surface of the Shield World, most likely somewhere under the Apex. At one end of the platform, there was a spherical activation console covered in Forerunner glyphs. The console could only be operated by a Reclaimer, and when activated, would unlock the dormant Forerunner ships. When the installation was activated, a Beam Emitter next to the activation console would emit a continuous stream of energy directly upwards, much like in many other Forerunner facilities. On the other end of the platform, there was an elevator which lead right into the Shield World's artificial star. Because of this, the lift obviously had to be shielded against the extreme heat. On the way to the star there was an "access point," the nature of which is unknown, but it was likely a type of energy barrier, as it would need to be "broken through" in order to access the star.