| - Return to Never Land (or Peter Pan in Disney's Return to Never Land) is a 2002 animation film sequel to the 1953 film produced by the Walt Disney Television Animation in Sydney, Australia and released by Walt Disney Pictures and Buena Vista Pictures Distribution. The original "Return to Neverland" VHS & DVD was released on August 20, 2002. It included digitally animated sequences and an all-new voice cast. Return to Never Land was re-released on a Pixie-Powered Edition DVD on November 27, 2007.
- thumb|254px Return to Never Land (Peter Pan 2: Regreso al País de Nunca Jamas) es una película animada de 2002 secuela de la película de 1953 Peter Pan. Está dirigida por Robin Budd y producida por DisneyToon Studios en Sydney (Australia) y distribuida por Walt Disney Pictures. En España, se estrenó antes en cines. El original Return to Never Land en DVD y vídeo fue lanzado el 18 de junio de 2002. Se incluyen secuencias de animación digital y un elenco nuevo de voces. Regreso al País de Nunca Jamás fue relanzada en DVD el 27 de noviembre de 2007.
- Return to Never Land is a 2002 American animated film produced by DisneyToon Studios in Sydney, Australia and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film is a sequel to the 1953 film Peter Pan, based on J. M. Barrie's most famous work Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up.
- thumb|205px Return to Never Land (Peter Pan: Regreso al País de Nunca Jamás en España, y Peter Pan en el regreso al País de Nunca jamás en Latinoamérica) es una película animada de 2002, secuela de la película de 1953 Peter Pan. Está dirigida por Robin Budd y producida por DisneyToon Studios en Sydney (Australia) y distribuida por Walt Disney Pictures.
- During the London Blitz of World War II, Peter Pan's former playmate, Wendy Darling, has grown up and married, and has two children of her own: a 12-year-old daughter, Jane, and a 5-year-old son, Danny. However, her husband Edward is serving in the army overseas, and Jane is resentful of her mother's believe stories about Peter Pan, dismissing them as childish. The rift is increased between the two when Wendy announces her plan to evacuate the two to the countryside for their own protection against the Blitz.
- During the London Blitz of World War II in 1942, Peter Pan's former playmate, Wendy Darling, has grown up and married, and has two children: a daughter, Jane; and a son, Danny. Her husband, Edward, is sent to fight in the war. Wendy tries to keep their spirits up with stories of Peter Pan, but Jane has become cynical under the pressures of the war, belittling the stories her mother tells and unintentionally ridiculing her brother's faith in them. Jane has promised her father that she'll take care of her mother and family when he was gone. But when Wendy tells her that she must be evacuated to the countryside for her safety, Jane flies into a terrible tantrum that involves refusing to promise to take care of her brother and yelling at Danny. Afterwards, Wendy scolds Jane for her outburst an