| - The United Federation of Artemis (the Federation or Artemis, not to be confused with the Artemis solar system) is an interstellar federation consisting of four interstates, namely the Interstate of Jauno, the Interstate of Eir, the Interstate of Neith-Tiaan and the Interstate of Meztil, which are themselves federations with their own subdivisions (states). The Federation is located throughout two binary star systems over four stars (called subsystems), Artemis Alpha, -Beta, -Gamma and -Delta. The federal capital is on Jauno, where the small federal government is located.
| - The United Federation of Artemis (the Federation or Artemis, not to be confused with the Artemis solar system) is an interstellar federation consisting of four interstates, namely the Interstate of Jauno, the Interstate of Eir, the Interstate of Neith-Tiaan and the Interstate of Meztil, which are themselves federations with their own subdivisions (states). The Federation is located throughout two binary star systems over four stars (called subsystems), Artemis Alpha, -Beta, -Gamma and -Delta. The federal capital is on Jauno, where the small federal government is located. The Federation was founded with the Treaty of Unification of 2160, when the Eirthen Federation, the United Planets of Meztilia, the Jaunen Confederation and the Republic of Neithian Planets came together to form one polity. The Treaty was a precursor to the Federal Charter, which is the constitution in effect today. In general, the interstate governments are the most powerful and can veto certain federal measures. Thereafter, the federal government has the most authority before the states (individual planets) and their respective divisions.