| - Basic Trope: A robot with greater capabilities than strictly necessary for its functions.
* Straight: Mai-chan Mk-II, a maid robot with the capability of a super soldier. (The "MAI" stands for Mechanical Armed Infantry)
* Exaggerated: Mai-chan Mk-II, a maid robot with the capability to shoot down satellites from ground level (The "MAI" stands for "Mobile Armory Initiative")
* Justified: Mai-chan Mk-II was built by the defense company Trope Co in an age of peace, the company decide that it's more cost-efficient to build robots with some battle abilities than to restructure their factories.
* Wealthy individuals want both maids and bodyguards, so Trope Co designed a robot that could do both jobs. The result is the Mai-chan Mk-II line.
* Inverted: Mai-chan is incredibly clumsy as a maid, even though she's strictly built as a robotic one.
* Subverted: Mai-chan's spec says that she's capable of fighting like a super soldier, but actually she can't.
* Mai-chan is really a military grade robot, her maid appearance is just use as disguise.
* Double Subverted: ...until someone is stupid enough to threaten her beloved master, Bob.
* Parodied: Mai-chan was built with so, so many capabilities unrelated to her duty as maid, you wonder just what the hell the engineers of TropeCo were thinking.
* Deconstructed: Mai-chan has serious identity crisis regarding her duty as a maid, what's with being a Person of Mass Destruction.
* Reconstructed: But Bob tells her that she is doing great as a maid robot, and that is exactly the encouragement she needs.
* Zig Zagged: Some episode we see Mai-chan doing house chores, the other episodes we see her fighting an Alien Invasion. People doesn't seem to be bothered that a Person of Mass Destruction is walking amongst them... or maybe there are two or more Mai-chan, who knows.
* Averted: All robots are built according to the duty they are supposed to perform.
* Enforced: The author want to point out that War Is Hell, by showing the (in)capability of someone existing for the sake of war to live a life of peace.
* Lampshaded: "That's... some awesome abilities you have there, Mai-chan."
* Invoked: Mai-chan Mk-II was built for fighting, but decided to retire and do some peaceful work, like being a maid.
* Exploited: When thugs break into his house, Bob orders Mai-chan to fight them, because Mai-chan's spec says that she's built with the capability of a super soldier.
* Defied: The government mandates that all robots should be built strictly for their purpose.
* Discussed: ???
* Conversed: ??? Please allow my robot maid to carry you and all of your friends back to Super-Powered Robot Meter Maids.