| - His Imperial and Most Illustrious Lutheran Majesty, Maximilian VII, Defender of the Faith, by the Grace of God, Emperor of Hulstria, His Royal Higness Great Prince of Trigunia, His Royal Highness Grand Duke of Sisula (b. September 13th, 2830, Fliederbrunn Palace, Kien, Greater Hulstria- d. January 28th, 2918, Imperial Military Hospital, Kien, Greater Hulstria) was the reigning monarch of Greater Hulstria, Grand Duchy of Sisula, and Great Prince of Trigunia from 2892 to 2906. Maximilian VII of Hulstria was first child and son of Klaus Gustav IV of Hulstria and Janne II of Vorona; Maxmilian's paternal grandparents were Godric II of Hulstria and Roberta Lusk, Viscountess of Ayelsbury and his maternal grandparents were Konrad I of Vorona and Vicountess Cecilia Gorsky. Maximilian VII of Hulstri
| - His Imperial and Most Illustrious Lutheran Majesty, Maximilian VII, Defender of the Faith, by the Grace of God, Emperor of Hulstria, His Royal Higness Great Prince of Trigunia, His Royal Highness Grand Duke of Sisula (b. September 13th, 2830, Fliederbrunn Palace, Kien, Greater Hulstria- d. January 28th, 2918, Imperial Military Hospital, Kien, Greater Hulstria) was the reigning monarch of Greater Hulstria, Grand Duchy of Sisula, and Great Prince of Trigunia from 2892 to 2906. Maximilian VII of Hulstria was first child and son of Klaus Gustav IV of Hulstria and Janne II of Vorona; Maxmilian's paternal grandparents were Godric II of Hulstria and Roberta Lusk, Viscountess of Ayelsbury and his maternal grandparents were Konrad I of Vorona and Vicountess Cecilia Gorsky. Maximilian VII of Hulstria was older brother to Adela I of Vorona, who served as the monarch of Vorona from 2984 to 2908. Maximilian VII, as a descendant of Louis III of Solentia and Leopold II of Central Macon, was in the line of succession to the Solentian and Macon thrones, among others. Following the death of his father, Klaus Gustav IV, in May of 2892, then Crown Prince Maximilian, on per with the Imperial Writ on the regulation of the line of succession to the Hulstrian throne, ascended to the throne as Maximilian VII of Hulstria. The Emperor of Hulstria was married to Idda, Countess of Savonia, of the House of Valonen and the imperial couple had three children; Ferdinand II of Hulstria, Archduke Leopold, and Archduchess Charlotte. The Emperor had eight grandchildren; two through his second son Leopold, Archdukes Alexander and Frederick, three from his first son Ferdinand, Archduckes Rainer, Heinrich, and Maximilian, and three from his third child and daughter Charlotte, Archdukes Klemens, Konrad, and Archduchess Anne. Under his reign, Hulstria saw expansion of its colonial Empire as well as new relations with several other monarchies on Terra and the restoration of the Great Princedom of Trigunia by the House of Mashkov. The House of Rothingren-Traugott saw expanded relations with the House of Fortenohfiv, House of Hemmingway, the House of Santiago, and the International Monarchist League as well. Maximilian's alliances with these royal families resulted in several of his issues marrying Hemmingway and Santiago royals. Unfortunately, Kaiser Maximilian had to abdicate his thrones due to a diagnosis of a rare and life threatening disease to his son, then Crown Prince Ferdinand in 2903. However, Maximilian VII would live on remarkably for another decade though was very disabled in his activities and weak. Despite this the former Emperor acted as an adviser to his son, now the Emperor of Hulstria. While Maximilian did live on for longer than the doctors expected, the former Emperor was reported to have had no regrets in abdicating, and passing on power to his won, who would reign for nearly 80 years, the longest monarch in Hulstrianhistory; on January 28th, 2918, at the Imperial Military Hospital in Kien, Maximilian VII died at the age of 88, leaving behind a fruitful legacy.