| - The most revered of all Dwarves, Dúrin (Del."Gate Sleeper" or E."King"; Kh."Abadgamil" "Ancient King") awoke far back in the Elder Days, as the Longbeards first stirred, and traveled to Azanulbizar, the broad and beautiful valley east of the Misty Mountains. A solitary pilgrim, he boldly named the vale. Enraptured by the beauty of a crystal clear lake which he called Kheled-zaram (the Mirrormere), Dúrin experienced a vision: a crown of seven stars swirled around his head, although it was daytime, Durin's Crown, as the Dwarves called the halo, was known and held in awe by all Dwarves. At the site of the vision, a weathered stone pillar became Durin's Stone, another place held in reverence by the Khazad. Nearby, Dúrin founded the great Dwarf-kingdom of Khazad-dûm (or Moria), shaping the cave
| - The most revered of all Dwarves, Dúrin (Del."Gate Sleeper" or E."King"; Kh."Abadgamil" "Ancient King") awoke far back in the Elder Days, as the Longbeards first stirred, and traveled to Azanulbizar, the broad and beautiful valley east of the Misty Mountains. A solitary pilgrim, he boldly named the vale. Enraptured by the beauty of a crystal clear lake which he called Kheled-zaram (the Mirrormere), Dúrin experienced a vision: a crown of seven stars swirled around his head, although it was daytime, Durin's Crown, as the Dwarves called the halo, was known and held in awe by all Dwarves. At the site of the vision, a weathered stone pillar became Durin's Stone, another place held in reverence by the Khazad. Nearby, Dúrin founded the great Dwarf-kingdom of Khazad-dûm (or Moria), shaping the caves above the lake to suit his tastes, and gathered Longbeards to his side. In the Second Age, Dúrin and his smiths accomplished a feat unparalleled in all of Middle-earth: the building of the Endless Stair and at its peak, Durin's Tower. An unending spiral staircase cut into the living stone, the breathtaking walkway takes one thousands of steps, from the depths of the caverns to the summit of the Silvertine. Durin lived for so long that many believed him to be immortal. He was not. Yet after his death, five heirs in the Second and Third Ages had so resembled Dúrin I that they received his name, for many Dwarves believed each to be a reincarnation of the first Dúrin. see: Seven Fathers