"Septa Eleanor, Rona claims this was justice. Would the Seven say the same?"
"I don't believe the Dothraki follow the Seven, my [lord/lady]. Even if they did... No punishment like that is just. The Seven frown on such savage acts."
"I'd melt Viserys' face with gold if he treated Jayne that way, royal blood or no."
"Maester Lucas says Dothraki can spill no free man's blood in their holy city. Killing him as they did required a ghastly provocation." She spits.
"My [lord/lady]. Do not mourn Viserys Targaryen. He held a sword to his sister's swollen belly and threatened to kill her heir. What happened was justice."
"The Dothraki ways are too savage. Viserys did not deserve his fate."
"An unstable Targaryen is nothing the Seven Kingdoms needs."
"Rona, Viserys threatening the future of his House is madness. Are you certain of this?"