| - Adam Monroe, also known as Takezo Kensei (剣聖 武蔵 Kensei Takezō?) in feudal Japan, is a fictional character portrayed by David Anders in the NBC science fiction drama Heroes. The character first appears in the second season episode "Four Months Later...", although the legend of Kensei is referenced several times during the first season. His regenerative ability has halted his aging, making him centuries old in the present of the series. He is the primary antagonist during the second season.
- Adam Monroe is an evolved human who has the ability to regenerate. He discovers his abilities while living in feudal Japan as Takezo Kensei. He meets Maria and Rose in a forest after they ascape from spirit school, Maria thinks he is trying to take them back so she trys to kill him with a fire ball but it dosent work. They hitch a ride with a man called Jack Bishop but it turns out to be bobs son. Adam is took to the company by Elle and Bob.
- Catégorie:Humains évolués Adam Munroe est un humain évolué qui possède le pouvoir de régénération, ce pouvoir qu'il découvre dans le passé va le rendre immortel. Il se fera enfermé par Hiro Nakamura dans un cercueil. mais on découvre qu'il en est sortie et qu'il a fait partie de la Compagnie.
- Adam Monroe, also known as Takezo Kensei in feudal Japan, is a fictional character portrayed by David Anders in the NBC science fiction drama Heroes. The character first appears in the second season episode "Four Months Later...", although the legend of Kensei is referenced several times during the first season. His regenerative ability has halted his aging, making him centuries old in the present of the series. He is the primary antagonist during the second season.
- Adam Monroe is a villain from the television series Heroes. He was the main antagonist of Season 2, Volume Two: Generations, and later a minor antagonist in Season 3, Volume Three: Villains. Later, he appeared as a posthumous minor antagonist (specifically for Hiro Nakamura) in Season 4, Volume Five: Redemption. He was an immortal villain who sought to unleash a deadly and unstoppable virus upon the world due to him seeing humanity as evil and dangerous to the earth and wished to save the earth from economical destruction from the human race, and start over with only a handful of humans that Adam sees as "worthy and strong".