| - Batman: "Batman to GCPD. Do not attempt to apprehend Poison Ivy alone. She uses pheromones to entrance people and force them to her will. They're pollen-based, so the entire area is contaminated. Robin is recruiting the new heroes to get her back to Arkham. Leave it in their hands. Batman out."
- Female Officer: "10-4, Bullock. Use extreme caution and your green breather against Ivy's spores."
- Vicki Vale: "With Gotham Now, I'm Vicki Vale. The Giodarno Gardens area is under strict quarantine after an attack by former botanist, Dr. Pamela Isley, now better known as Poison Ivy. The mean queen of green claims the world for plants using pheromones and the plants themselves as weapons. Is Ivy looking at another stay in Arkham or will Gotham be a new kind of urban jungle? Stay tuned."
- Catwoman: "*rings* *click* *beep* Pamela. Selina. I don't know what you're up to, but Harley is feeling left out. That means she's calling me. Every. Five. Minutes. Frankly, she's driving me batty, and we both know how much I hate that. Whatever your botanical scheme is, give it a rest, and give her a ring. Hmm? Ciao. *click*"
- Bullock: "Oh yeah, yeah, I can't breathe through my nose anyway. Damn adenoids! Eh, Bullock out."
- Bullock: "Dispatch, this is Bullock. Bat sent in the Boy Wonder, but there's no word. SCU and the new hero should be on this, right? Well they can catch up, I'm going in!"
- Jack Ryder: "I'm Jack Ryder and You Are Wrong! Why? Because you think when crazies go to Arkham Asylum, they get better. Asylum for the Criminally left butt-cheek! Never mind that the place is a revolving door for psychos. They actually come out worse! There's something deeply wrong going on in Arkham, friend. And if you don't believe me. You are wrong!"
- Joker: "Ring! Ring! Yeaaah... Joker here. I hear my fellow Arkham Ex-Pat Ivy is kicking up a notch over in Giordano Gardens. I don't have much of a green thumb myself. I never managed to keep a single plant alive! Hmm. Or a pet. Or a friend. Hehe. Spot a trend? Well don't let me keep you. If she doesn't kill you, I'm sure I will."