Ghoulmon is a Demon Lord Digimon whose Japanese name and design are derived from the mythological Samael, and whose English name is derived from the mythological Ghoul. It was adopted from a winning entry in the "Digimon Web Dot-art Contest" which belonged to Takahiro Ino from Yamagata prefecture. Like Daemon it was originally a high-ranking Angel Digimon, but it fell to the Dark Area and is now one of the Demon Lord Digimon. Even though it is a Demon Lord Digimon, it is different from other Fallen Angel and Devil Digimon in that it does not run the whole gamut of wickedness, but instead does its utmost to carefully maintain a position of neutrality; despite this, it is easily manipulated by the cunning Barbamon. However, it is a terrifying Digimon, and it is told that at the time of the a
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| - Ghoulmon is a Demon Lord Digimon whose Japanese name and design are derived from the mythological Samael, and whose English name is derived from the mythological Ghoul. It was adopted from a winning entry in the "Digimon Web Dot-art Contest" which belonged to Takahiro Ino from Yamagata prefecture. Like Daemon it was originally a high-ranking Angel Digimon, but it fell to the Dark Area and is now one of the Demon Lord Digimon. Even though it is a Demon Lord Digimon, it is different from other Fallen Angel and Devil Digimon in that it does not run the whole gamut of wickedness, but instead does its utmost to carefully maintain a position of neutrality; despite this, it is easily manipulated by the cunning Barbamon. However, it is a terrifying Digimon, and it is told that at the time of the a
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| - Ghoulmon is a Demon Lord Digimon whose Japanese name and design are derived from the mythological Samael, and whose English name is derived from the mythological Ghoul. It was adopted from a winning entry in the "Digimon Web Dot-art Contest" which belonged to Takahiro Ino from Yamagata prefecture. Like Daemon it was originally a high-ranking Angel Digimon, but it fell to the Dark Area and is now one of the Demon Lord Digimon. Even though it is a Demon Lord Digimon, it is different from other Fallen Angel and Devil Digimon in that it does not run the whole gamut of wickedness, but instead does its utmost to carefully maintain a position of neutrality; despite this, it is easily manipulated by the cunning Barbamon. However, it is a terrifying Digimon, and it is told that at the time of the approaching final battle, that whitened appearance will change to jet-black darkness, and it will transform into a god of destruction.
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