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- <default>Jane Doe</default> Written by: Age: Species: Home Continuum: Department: Division: Response Center: Partner: Fandom(s): Lust-object(s): Favorite(s): Weapon(s): Jane Doe is a PPC agent in the Department of Floaters.
- Soon after the game starts, Jane will realize that she is pregnant with her fourth child. She is unemployed and does not have any skills learned. She does not know anyone outside of her home at the start of the game.
- Jane Doe was a Mobian deer and the wife of John Doe. Both she and her husband owned the Deer John's juice bar in Mobotropolis. (StH: #69)
- The Jane Doe is one of The Group's many victims. She was raped, tortured and murdered by five men and left in a barrel, until a traffic accident revealed her and four other victims. She is identified via a dry-erase board in the background, unfortunately not having been identified.
- Jane Doe is a mysterious cipher who obsessively studies her victims's personalities and mannerisms before killing her intended target and assuming their identity. This results in her becoming that dead person, even in her own mind.
- [[Category:Scouts in the cabin]] [[Category: Scouts]] [[Category:Characters voiced by Jodi Benson]] Jane Doe-Lumpus is a recurring character of the series. Near the end of the series, she becomes Lumpus's future wife.
- Armed with an M16K, she is significantly more powerful and durable than the usual grunts you encounter. A good way to kill her is using grenades - you can easily acquire the MGL from the magic box glitch before hitting the streets. Otherwise, a well-aimed headshot will bring her down.
- Jane Doe is a very nice GSI who knows lots of basket weaving tricks.
- A "Jane Doe" is a placeholder name for those women whose identities are not identified. The name "John Doe" is used for men. After a battle with the Brotherhood of Mutants, Ms. Marvel was put into a coma. Because no one knew her true identity was Carol Danvers, the Midtown Hospital classified her as a Jane Doe. Years later, the X-Man Rogue visited Carol and told the attending doctor her real name.
- Jane Doe es una impostora que obsesivamente copia la personalidad y peculiaridades de sus víctimas, para luego matarlas y asumir su identidad mediante el uso de su piel.
- Na początku gry jest bezrobotna i nie posiada żadnych umiejętności. Nie zna nikogo poza swoją rodziną.
- Jane Doe is the fourth story in chapter 22 of Sluggy Freelance, The Bug, the Witch, and the Robot. While Torg recovers in the hospital, Oasis is rushed in, suffering not just from the wounds caused by the explosion of Le Snootier and Kusari's attacks, but also from food poisoning. He sneaks to her after finding out that she is dying, and holds her hand as she does die. With Oasis and K'Z'K behind them, the gang believes that they wiped the slate clean... but Oasis is already alive again and looking for Torg at the hospital. Skippy however considers the book closed on Gwynn and the Storm Breaker.
- Capt. Reese is the only one certain that a racially-motivated killer must be Jordan Manning—newly released prisoner, on a publicity tour with his not-quite-tell-all memoirs.
- Jane Doe é o cuarto álbum da banda estadounidense de metalcore Converge editado o 4 de setembro do 2001 através do selo Equal Vision Records.
- The Jane Doe is a large speakeasy located underneath a New York cemetery. Due to its location and interior design (it's decorated with "frightening ornaments befitting a mausoleum" and has a 'vampiric atmosphere), few people frequent the establishment. The owner doesn't do much to help attract customers: he dresses in black, and his face is covered in scars. He keeps a shotgun and a gigantic hand axe on prominent display behind him so as to discourage robbers.
- Jane Doe era una chica normal. Asistía a secundaria, salía con son amigos y vivía tranquila. Su pelo era rubio y corto hasta la mitad del cuello, su piel era blanca y sus ojos color miel. Era de mediana estatura. Si se encontraba en un grupo era la que menos destacaba debido a su apariencia común, lo cual le importaba poco. - Parece ser que nuestro sujeto de prueba despertó. -Dijo una voz femenina en tono de burla.- - ¿Quién esta ahí? - Preguntó Jane gritando.- ¿Dónde estoy? ¿Por qué me trajeron aquí? - Tú eres nuestro nuevo sujeto de prueba. - ¡¿Qué?! -grito Jane llorando cada vez más-
- Jane's the female scout leader of the Squirrel Scouts, and her assistant is Ms. Rubella Mucus. Jane's very kind and friendly and has a positive, motherly attitude, but she can occasionally get frustrated, and she can also be ditzy and scatterbrained. She lives in Acorn Flats with her scouts and Ms. Mucus. Jane's also very girly and tries to be a feminine influence on the Squirrel Scouts, who tend to be very tomboyish.
- Jane Doe was an unidentified female whose body was found in the Delaware River in 2007. Based on her age, ethnicity, and dental work, authorities believed she was Eastern European, brought to the United States by a human trafficking ring led by Nachalnik for forced prostitution. Additionally, the soles of her feet had been burned with a cigarette, a form of punishment associated with Nachalnik. Eva-Maria Leonardou, who was only seen in a photograph, was uncredited for the role.
- "Jane Doe" was the name that Trip Tucker gave to Malcolm Reed's potential future wife. While discussing in 2152 whether having prior knowledge of the future was a good thing or not, Tucker asked Reed if he would want to read in some book the name of the woman he was going to marry; Reed didn't hesitate to reply in the affirmative, adding that it would save him the awkwardness of going out with anyone else. Like John Doe, this is a common name given to unidentified people.