<default>Jane Doe</default> Written by: Age: Species: Home Continuum: Department: Division: Response Center: Partner: Fandom(s): Lust-object(s): Favorite(s): Weapon(s): Jane Doe is a PPC agent in the Department of Floaters.
Soon after the game starts, Jane will realize that she is pregnant with her fourth child. She is unemployed and does not have any skills learned. She does not know anyone outside of her home at the start of the game.
Jane Doe was a Mobian deer and the wife of John Doe. Both she and her husband owned the Deer John's juice bar in Mobotropolis. (StH: #69)
The Jane Doe is one of The Group's many victims. She was raped, tortured and murdered by five men and left in a barrel, until a traffic accident revealed her and four other victims. She is identified via a dry-erase board in the background, unfortunately not having been identified.