| - The first Mandalorian Army knife was invented by Mandalore the Sufficient approximately two years prior to the Great Sith War, in which Mandalorians used the knife to either slay their enemies after running out of ammunition (or for committing seppuku if there were no enemies around), or stabbing their leaders in the back so they could then get promoted. Soon, however, the weapon acquired a more ceremonial purpose, whereas various low-ranking Mandalorian soldiers would compare the size and number of different instruments in their individually-crafted knives. Some outsiders considered this to be a clear-cut case of penis-envy, but those who did were soon gutted by the weapon they sought to mock.
| - The first Mandalorian Army knife was invented by Mandalore the Sufficient approximately two years prior to the Great Sith War, in which Mandalorians used the knife to either slay their enemies after running out of ammunition (or for committing seppuku if there were no enemies around), or stabbing their leaders in the back so they could then get promoted. Soon, however, the weapon acquired a more ceremonial purpose, whereas various low-ranking Mandalorian soldiers would compare the size and number of different instruments in their individually-crafted knives. Some outsiders considered this to be a clear-cut case of penis-envy, but those who did were soon gutted by the weapon they sought to mock. The Mandalorian Army knife soon became a standard part of a soldier's kit, displayed on their utility belt as a badge of honor (in addition to their many other badges). When Mandalore the Ultimate unified the clans and standardized their Mandalorian Armor, the Mandalorian Army knife lost its individuality, but not its lethality. Seeing the practicality of these tools, Cassus Fett insisted on adding a shooto to the existing design, along with other "improvements". This resulted in the handle growing from six inches to well over thirteen, with a circumference exceeding five inches. No longer so easily concealable, the Mandalorians instead imbued the primary blade with beskar and cortosis, enabling them to become weapons capable of standing up to a Jedi's lightsaber. During the Mandalorian Wars, many Mandalorian Army knives were built and issued to the Neo-Crusaders. After Revan began running the show for the Galactic Republic, these weapons became popular trophies for the Jedi under his command. Penis-envy persisted in their ranks, however, as various Jedi competed to see who could collect the greatest number of these knives. When the Mass PWN Generator was activated, most of those Jedi killed were among the worst braggarts when it came to possessing the Mandalorian Army knife. After slaughtering his foe, Revan himself acquired Mandalore the Ultimate's personal knife, which was a massive thing well over three feet long, and containing upwards of thirteen thousand distinct apparatuses. After recovering from her severance with the Force, the Lesbian Jedi Exile found that a special Mandalorian Army Knife had fallen into her pocket, which was capable of adjusting the ecosystems of planets. Four thousand years later, Mandalorian Army knives, like the order of supercommandos that spawned them, were largely extinct, though Boba Fett was known to have at least two. One of these was taken from him by Jaina Solo after her training with the old fart, which she used to slay her brother, Jacen Solo, in an epic triple-bladed lightsaber duel aboard the Anakin Solo, named for their dead brother.