| - Sirrus oli jedimestari, joka taisteli Jabiimin toisessa taistelussa kloonisotien aikaan. Pian laskeuduttuaan Jabiimille padawaninsa, Aubrie Wynin, kanssa, Sirrus taisteli yhdessä Obi-Wan Kenobin rinnalla puolustaakseen Tasavallan tukikohtaa. Hän kuoli, kun separatistien joukot tuhosivat yhden Tasavallan talsijoista.
- Sirrus was a male Human Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic as a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He was also the master of Padawan Aubrie Wyn.
- Sirrus was the son of Atrus and Catherine.
- Sirrus era un Maestro Jedi Umano che combatté nella Battaglia di Jabiim, durante le Guerre dei Cloni. Poco dopo essere sbarcato su Jabiim con la sua Padawan, Aubrie Wyn, Sirrus combatté insieme a Kenobi per difendere un avamposto della Repubblica. Sembra che sia morto quando le forze separatiste distrussere uno dei camminatori repubblicani.
- Sirrus fue un Maestro Jedi humano que sirvió en la Orden Jedi y la República Galáctica como un General Jedi en el Gran Ejército de la República durante las Guerras Clónicas.
- Sirrus was born in 9434 DE (equivalent to 1777 AD) and is the youngest son of Atrus and Catherine. He lived on Myst Island with his mother, father and older brother Achenar, who is the second antagonist in the series. The family used to do so many things with each other, such as explore the different ages that Atrus had written. This was until Atrus's grandmother, Ti'ana dies. Overcome with grief, Atrus buried himself in his work, leaving no time to interact with Sirrus or Achenar. They saw this as a sign of neglect, and abused Atrus's trust by exploiting the inhabitants of the different ages kept in the library on Myst Island. They would rule over the ages, steal all the riches and then burn the book that linked to that age, then move on to the next. Atrus soon discovered this, and kept t