| - Surak was known to be a wise elder of the vulcan people, his teachings spread across all the planet creating peace and salvation for the menaced Vulcans, now, thanks to his knowledge and wisdom, the next generations, one after one, follow his teachings, making the vulcans a wise, intelligent, capable of great understanding and great dealing in many subjects. Thanks to his actions, logic and reason are one of the main characteristics of the Vulcans, ones that are known all across the galaxy.
- Surak era un leggendario Vulcaniano, filosofo, scienziato, e logico, considerato il più grande di tutti quelli mai vissuti su Vulcano ed il padre della moderna civiltà vulcaniana. (TOS: "Sfida all'ultimo sangue")
- The Kanohi Surak is the Mask of Phantomility. It allows the user to go invisible or reduce the user's density to pass through solid objects or to go completey silent. Users have the ability to use all powers at the same time or just one at a time.
- Surak był legendarnym wolkańskim filozofem, naukowcem i logikiem, postrzeganym jako najwybitniejszy w tych dziedzinach, ze wszystkich, którzy żyli na oraz jako ojciec współczesnej wolkańskiej cywilizacji. (TOS: „The Savage Curtain”)
- Surak was a Vulcan philosopher and pacifist, born on Vulcan in 279 to Stef and T'Leia. He was also known as the Father of All We Became. Surak helped end the destructive wars on Vulcan and taught his followers to learn to embrace logic and control their emotions. This era became known as the Time of Awakening and saw Vulcans transform from violent savages and transcend into logical, ordered beings. Surak became the revered father of Vulcan logic and his teachings were still worshiped in the 24th century. (TOS episode: "The Savage Curtain"; TOS novel: Spock's World; and TNG episode: "Gambit, Part II").
- V době, kdy Vulkánci nebyli schopni potlačovat své emoce a sklony k násilí, propukla ničivá a nelítostná válka. Na pokraji vyhubení vystoupil Surak se svou novou filozofií míru, nenásilí, kontroly emocí a snahy o dokonalou logiku. Ne všichni s ním souhlasili. V důsledku nepřijímání jeho učení se od Vulkanců odtrhli pozdější Romulané. Surak prošel vulkánskou nejničivější pouští zvanou Výheň a došel až do svatyně T'Karath, kde skryl své spisy v artefaktu zvaném Kir'Shara. Zemřel na nemoc z ozáření na Mount Seleya. Tam také byla v podzemních jeskyních v katrové arše uchována jeho katra.
- Surak lived in the 4th century, during the Time of Awakening. (ENT: "The Forge") As a scientist, he was considered on the same level as Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) Surak walked in Vulcan's Forge, beginning in the Gateway and crossing the Plain of Blood. His logic was said to have cooled it from the heat of battle. It was here that he founded the T'Karath Sanctuary. (ENT: "The Forge") Surak's followers included T'Klass, one of the first Kolinahr masters. (ENT: "Awakening")
- thumb|Eine Illusion Suraks in jungen Jahren. Surak ist ein vulkanischer Philosoph und Begründer der UMUK (engl. IDIC)-Ideologie, eines Eckpfeilers der vulkanischen Philosophie. Er bereichert die Denkweise seines Volkes bereits um 300 n.Chr. (menschliche Zeitrechnung) um die Logik und lehrt die Kontrolle der Emotionen, welche, seiner Lehre zufolge, in ihrer ungehemmten Form die Ursache für gesellschaftliche Missstände darstellen und führt sein Volk nach einer dunklen Zeit blutiger Clankämpfe in die „Zeit des Erwachens“ (ENT: ). Surak kann dabei auf eine sehr alte Praxis der Emotionskontrolle zurückgreifen, die die vulkanische Kultur bereits im 3. Jahrtausend vor Chr. entwickelt hat. (VOY: )
- Surak était un philosophe et scientifique Vulcain légendaire qui a vécu au 4ème siècle, une époque où les Vulcains étaient encore un peuple violent. Durant le "Temps de l'Eveil", il inspira une philosophie basée sur le contrôle des émotions et la logique. (ENT: "The Forge") Il fut considéré comme le plus grand Vulcain de tous les temps et comme le père de la civilisation vulcaine moderne. (TOS: "The Savage Curtain")