| - Gai-Gin is a Slice of Life Web Comic depicting the adventures of the gaijin (foreigner living in Japan) heroine Gin - hence the title. It's based on a true story from the author.
* Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Gin, Bec and Monica.
* Bi the Way: Gin ogles her female friends and used to be in a relationship with Sarah, but she's now in a happily monogamous relationship with Pyon.
* Buffy-Speak: "It's cakes! Shaped like penises! Man penises!"
* Citizenship Marriage: Referenced when Gin is about to be deported and asks if it would help. The Immigration worker bursts out laughing before realising Gin was serious.
* Cloudcuckoolander: Several cast members get their turn at this role.
* Cunning Like a Fox: Kitsunefoxy is a fox-girl and an enthusiastic liar.
* Department of Redundancy Department: Again, the "man penises".
* Eloquent in My Native Tongue: Done with both the Anglophones and Japanese natives.
* Erotic Eating: Gin.
* Fiery Redhead: Miki.
* Fish Out of Water
* The Glomp: Gin does this to Pyon once or twice.
* The Idiot From Osaka: Referenced. Pyon is actually fairly intelligent, but definitely has a dash of Cloudcuckoolander:
* Inherently Funny Words: "Seieki! Seieki! Seieki!"
* It Tastes Like Feet: On Japanese seafood: "Oh god it smells like a sperm whale just vomited! It ... it's like a shark's vagina!"
* Kansai Regional Accent: Not obvious, as the comic is written in English, but Pyon apparently has one, and Gin worries that it'll be hard to understand his family's dialect.
* Nightmare Fetishist: Miki.
* Not Making This Up Disclaimer
* Overly Long Tongue: Gin, as seen when she eats ice-cream.
* Persona Non Grata: Gin had some problems with her visa, both in real life and in the comic.
* Petting Zoo People: Kitsunefoxy.
* Redheaded Hero: It's dyed, though.
* Schedule Slip: The next strip has been delayed for quite some time.
* Stock Yuck: Gin hates seafood, which, since she's in Japan, causes problems.
* Trademark Favorite Food: "I see a gyouza and I don't even remember why I was upset a moment ago!"
* Unmoving Plaid
* Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Kitsunefoxy has a fox tail and ears, which appear to be natural, as they move depending on her emotions. Miki is a "cute little rotting zombie" who has bright green skin, fangs, and hovers in midair. People are frightened when Miki glomps them, but otherwise don't comment, and nobody mentions Foxy's ears at all.
* Yaoi Fangirl: Gin, to the point that she wishes Foxy wasn't lying when she (Foxy) tells her that Pyon is cheating on her with his male friend Mitchy.
* You No Take Candle: Gin's Japanese starts out very clumsy and improves significantly over time.
* Zettai Ryouiki: Monica often sports a pair, and Sarah occasionally does too.