| - In Final Fantasy VIII, there is a boss enemy named Troma, an intentional mispelling of Trauma, which refers to the physical and/or psychological damage of physical impact or situational distress. Troma has smaller, helper monsters that accompany it named Droma, an intentional mispelling of Drama, which refers to tragic, emotional, or distressing events. Troma and Droma are mechanical enemies; in Final Fantasy XI, they would be classified as Arcana. Droma in Final Fantasy XI is an homage to the Final Fantasy VIII enemy.
- Droma era un ryn que Han Solo rescató en Ord Mantell, y por un corto tiempo fue el copiloto de Han en el Halcón Milenario. Sus ancestros habían sido esclavizados por un hutt Desilijic para emplearlos como videntes, y fueron ejecutados de formas creativas cuando fracasaron al predecir los eventos con precisión. Su especie no tenía un planeta al que llamaran hogar, y eran los vagabudos de la Galaxia.
- A Droma is a generic member of the droma race of (mostly) flightless, rideable runner-birds.
- Droma was the single planet within the Blood System. It had many lakes of lava, which came from underground caverns and volcanoes. Droma was also relatively flat, with ashen, molten and grassy floors. It also had many caves leading underground, where all of the lava had dried up. Many of the Sith used these underground areas as bases, as they were warm, dark and gloomy. Inside the caverns was the Temple of Fire, where the United Order Of The Sith's primary headquarters were based. They had turned it into a huge complex and stood their ground here. The greater Sith, however, lived further inside the Planet's Core, in a twisted Dimension within the planet, in a huge Fortress known as the Sovereign Kingdom.