| - Ian was probably born around 1960. Prior to working for Special Operations, it is said that Ian attended Cambridge University, though the subject(s) he studied are unknown. He was recruited by MI6 in 1988, a year after he became the guardian of his nephew Alex Rider due to the death of his parents. Whilst working for MI6, he claimed he was an overseas finance manager for the Royal & General Bank as a cover. He successfully completed assignments in Iran, Washington, Hong Kong and Cairo, among others, during 1988 and 2001.
| - Ian was probably born around 1960. Prior to working for Special Operations, it is said that Ian attended Cambridge University, though the subject(s) he studied are unknown. He was recruited by MI6 in 1988, a year after he became the guardian of his nephew Alex Rider due to the death of his parents. Whilst working for MI6, he claimed he was an overseas finance manager for the Royal & General Bank as a cover. He successfully completed assignments in Iran, Washington, Hong Kong and Cairo, among others, during 1988 and 2001. Ian is described as being in perfect physical shape, and was thin with fair hair and dark brown eyes. He didn’t smoke, didn’t have any friends, didn’t eat anything fried, and dressed expensively. He was an extremely private man, who was quiet and liked good wine, classical music, and books. It is said that he was proficient in Thai-boxing and karate, and that he spoke three languages fluently (presumably French, Spanish and German, the three that Alex is fluent in). Because of his job, he traveled a lot, and sometimes took Alex with him on his trips.