| - In science fiction settings with a myriad of alien races, there is usually one race that possesses technology more advanced than the other species. They have been in space for thousands of years longer than the other races, and show it. They likely have had a history much more violent than ours, and have now "matured" out of it, unless they are a Proud Warrior Race, in which case they are definitely someone with whom you do not wish to mess. Even if they are not, the fact that they have technology far in advance of everyone else causes the rest of galactic society to treat them with kid gloves.
| - In science fiction settings with a myriad of alien races, there is usually one race that possesses technology more advanced than the other species. They have been in space for thousands of years longer than the other races, and show it. They likely have had a history much more violent than ours, and have now "matured" out of it, unless they are a Proud Warrior Race, in which case they are definitely someone with whom you do not wish to mess. Even if they are not, the fact that they have technology far in advance of everyone else causes the rest of galactic society to treat them with kid gloves. They also tend to be much more homogenous than humanity. Often, they are seen as Older and Wiser (or at least, they see themselves as Older and Wiser) as a people, though usually there are still many lessons they can learn from the "younger races". They aren't Sufficiently Advanced Aliens (though they might use Sufficiently Advanced Bamboo Technology, depending on their sense of aesthetics). Despite being thousands of years ahead of us, these guys are merely "much more advanced", but have not reached the godlike levels implied by that trope. Occasionally, such a race is on the decline; having once ruled a mighty empire, they are now only found on a handful of worlds and it is increasingly rare to even meet one. Alternately, the race could be extinct, but conveniently left evidence of its presence everywhere, and humanity cannot go from one planet to the other without tripping over relics and ruins left behind by the Higher-Tech Species. It's not uncommon for another set of aliens (or even humanity) to collect these relics and use them without fully understanding them. A Justified Trope, in that probability says (given the age of the universe as compared to the age of the human race) that some alien races we might eventually encounter would likely be much older and thus much more technologically advanced than we are. Obviously justified if the aliens are coming to Earth, (well, most of the time) as they have the technology to cross the galaxy to meet us, and it wasn't the other way round. Examples: