| - El dos cientos treintaisiete (237) es el número natural que sigue al 236 y precede al 238. Categoría:Números
- Die Freunde bangen nun auch um Lena Leben. Lena erkennt zudem, dass Robin seine Pläne geändert hat, damit ihre Spur nicht zu verfolgen ist. Auf sich alleine gestellt, sieht Lena nur einen Ausweg: Sie stellt Robin vor eine Wahl, die für sie höchst gefährlich ist. Julian erreicht ahnungslos die Schweizer Grenze. Zu seiner Überraschung wird in seinem Auto eine große Menge Bargeld gefunden, dessen Herkunft er den Beamten nicht erklären kann. Julian wird klar, dass er einer Intrige von Axel aufgesessen ist. Zur gleichen Zeit fällt die Steuerfahndung in sein Büro ein. Vor den Fahndern und vor den Augen der Mitarbeiter wird Julian durch Axel schwer belastet. Julian sitzt in der Falle. Deniz gewinnt seine Wette und ringt Vanessa einen Kuss ab, die ihn anschließend mit einer saftigen Ohrfeige 'belo
- Morning at Collinwood; Jason descends the great staircase and overhears Victoria on the telephone talking to Sam, whom she promises to help in the search for Maggie. Jason inquires as to what the fuss is all about, and Victoria explains about Maggie's disappearance.
| - El dos cientos treintaisiete (237) es el número natural que sigue al 236 y precede al 238. Categoría:Números
- Morning at Collinwood; Jason descends the great staircase and overhears Victoria on the telephone talking to Sam, whom she promises to help in the search for Maggie. Jason inquires as to what the fuss is all about, and Victoria explains about Maggie's disappearance. Burke and Sheriff Patterson arrive; the Sheriff has some questions for Victoria and insists to an anxious-to-leave Jason that he join them in the drawing room. Burke, who has only had about two hours of sleep, is visibly tired after having helped search all night. The Sheriff has no leads and concludes that Maggie either got out the hospital herself or was taken out by someone. Even the search dogs were of no help, with some of them wandering in circles while others were trembling with fear. Victoria explains the phone call she received, and the Sheriff learns that she saw Willie only moments before. The Sheriff plans to have a talk with Willie, causing an expression of worry to shadow Jason's features. Jason escorts the Sheriff to the door and tries to play down any involvement Willie might or might not have in Maggie's disappearance. The Sheriff brings up Willie's police record, which Jason says was a "misunderstanding." McGuire claims to have no information concerning the case; the Sheriff heads to the Old House. Meanwhile, Burke comforts Victoria and the pair decide to go and have a talk with Dr. Woodard. At the Old House, the Sheriff finds the door open and steps inside. Willie comes downstairs and is startled by the Sheriff. Willie learns that the Sheriff has come to question him about Maggie's disappearance. Willie claims to have been in Bangor last night and that Barnabas can vouch for him. The Sheriff inquires about the first incident of Maggie's vanishing, pressing Willie for answers. But Willie sticks by his story. The Sheriff, however, leaves Willie with a warning and threatens to book him for murder if Maggie turns up dead. At the Collinsport Hospital, Burke and Victoria talk about Maggie's condition before her disappearance with Dr. Woodard. Woodard explains that Maggie most likely went into shock, then a catatonic seizure which resulted in the nurse believing her to be dead. He is still waiting on the test results from Maggie's blood work. Victoria reminds Woodard of Willie's condition and its similarity to Maggie's. He decides to have another look at Willie, but admits to being baffled by the puncture wounds on Maggie's throat. Back at the Old House, Willie is repairing a table when he is startled by a knock at the door. It's Jason, who pushes his way inside and demands to know what Willie told Sheriff Patterson. He doesn't want anyone looking closely at him and he orders Willie to quit working for Barnabas and leave town. Even as Willie refuses, Jason threatens him. But Willie raises a hammer and tells McGuire to leave and to never come back. Jason laughs in his face and smacks Willie to the floor. He begins to beat Willie, then gives him an ultimatum: either he leaves Collinsport or Jason will kill him. As McGuire departs through the woods, the sound of howling wolves surround him.
- Die Freunde bangen nun auch um Lena Leben. Lena erkennt zudem, dass Robin seine Pläne geändert hat, damit ihre Spur nicht zu verfolgen ist. Auf sich alleine gestellt, sieht Lena nur einen Ausweg: Sie stellt Robin vor eine Wahl, die für sie höchst gefährlich ist. Julian erreicht ahnungslos die Schweizer Grenze. Zu seiner Überraschung wird in seinem Auto eine große Menge Bargeld gefunden, dessen Herkunft er den Beamten nicht erklären kann. Julian wird klar, dass er einer Intrige von Axel aufgesessen ist. Zur gleichen Zeit fällt die Steuerfahndung in sein Büro ein. Vor den Fahndern und vor den Augen der Mitarbeiter wird Julian durch Axel schwer belastet. Julian sitzt in der Falle. Deniz gewinnt seine Wette und ringt Vanessa einen Kuss ab, die ihn anschließend mit einer saftigen Ohrfeige 'belohnt'. Deniz erkennt, dass er den Bogen überspannt hat und er sich bei Vanessa entschuldigen muss.