| - The Catacombs is a location seen in Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction.
- The Catacombs are an area found in Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland. This area is given access by Astrid who tells Rorona about it shortly after the start of Year 2. It takes four days to travel to the Catacombs from Arland. If Rorona travels there with Iksel, the "Mystery Mushroom" event will be triggered, unlocking Mystery Mushrooms in the area. This is also the location where Pamela can be found.
- The Catacombs is the final area that appeared in Conker's Pocket Tales. This article or section is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiCatacombs (pl. Katakumby) – usiana pułapkami siatka korytarzy biegnąca pod Portem Hunding z wejściem przy dokach.
- The catacombs essentially are the nonwatery equivalent of the Deep End. The two don't appear to be connected but for that a lair within the catacombs, where a dragon resides that regulates the school's pool's temperature, is connected to the pool that houses the entrance to the Deep End.
- Catacombs is a room in Viper Manor in Radical Dreamers: Nusumenai Hōseki. Typically, catacombs house the tombs of those long dead. These catacombs function as a prison for the Acacia Dragoons. Through the door, Serge detects groaning and a repulsive smell. Initially, the door is locked.
- The Catacombs are Moric's secondary base of operations during the second chapter of MARDEK. It also houses the bonus boss in chapter 2, the Zombie Dragon. In chapter 3, the Sewer along with the Catacombs are blocked by a roleplayer dressed as a zombie.
- Catacombs is the fifteenth level of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. In it, Lara continues her quest for the Armour of Horus...
- Paris, 2007 Anahë, 23 year old girl, is set for a year to make herself known as a painter. It occupies her free time in the museums of the capital and Metal concerts. During one of her outings, she meets the musicians of Katacombes who initiate the discovery of underground Paris … But for Anahë, something goes wrong in the first installment. A mysterious event occurs in the catacombs and a member of the group disappears … The next day, the fear reigns within the adventurers who do not remember anything, and are forced to note the absence of their companion. Anahë then decides to start looking alone for the missing man …
- Name: Catacombs Run Time: 4:17 Written By: Steve Gorn, Tony Levin, Jerry Marotta Year: 1997
- The Catacombs are a fictional location from the Saw franchise, as well as one of the main locations of Saw V.
- The Catacombs are a limited-time building that was released on October 4, 2016, as part of the Treehouse of Horror XXVII Event. They a craftable item and to levelling up the Construction Yard, additionally they the player with 225 MAG Points once built.
- Prince Duncan having found his way into the castle's Catacombs, he must make his way down, avoiding snakes, and a Burning Eye. All the while not being able to jump due to a low ceiling. After bombing some weak walls, and making his way down, Duncan must jump across some Floating Platforms, and collect a mysterious Orb
- The Catacombs are the final zone of Act I of Diablo II. These ancient corridors are hidden beneath the Cathedral in the Rogue Monastery. The Catacombs have four levels: the first three are random. On the second level is a Waypoint. The Demon Queen Andariel, the Act Boss of Act I, can be found lurking in her throne room on the fourth level. The design of this last level is constant. Killing Andariel completes the Sisters to the Slaughter quest and unlocks passage to Act II. Image:Act5Q2.gif This location article is a . You can help the Diablo Wiki to become more awesome by expanding it.
- Catacombs (En español, Catacumbas) es un manga creado por Vlad en 2000.
- Ashley enters the Catacombs from the Wine Cellar and finds a shortcut in a room filled with coffins of a sort. However, this room is haunted by a Ghost which attacks Ashley. The Riskbreaker manages to defeat the Ghost, but as soon as he defeats it, the room shakes, prompting him to return to the previous room. From there, he realizes that certain places have changed due to the tremors. The Riskbreaker leaves the Catacombs, not noticing that Hardin was spying at him.
- Catacombs is a room in the Torvus Bog in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It is a half-submerged room containing many Torvus Bearerpods, G-Sch's body and a portal to the Dungeon. The portal is blocked off, and a Bomb Slot must be activated to reach it. The bomb slot cannot be reached without the Gravity Boost.
- The Catacombs are a large expanse of underground tunnels beneath New Marais in Zeke Dunbar's Pyre Night story. The Catacombs spread under New Marais from St. Ignatius cathedral to Fort Philippe and is used as a hideout for Bloody Mary and her Vampires.
- I've never been here before --ShadowTale 21:42, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
- The Catacombs is the first area in The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon. There is a possibility that this place was once the Well of Souls, which had collapsed at the end of The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night or that it is underneath the mountain.
- The Catacombs are Jolly Roger's mighty stronghold, where he commands his mighty undead hordes. As he looks on, his skeletal minions are rising from the dead and attacking the Royal Navy and EITC soldiers that are trying to the keep them at bay, preventing Jolly Roger's growing army from spreading into the island's main town Los Padres, which would only make him just a few steps closer to controlling the island and then the entire Caribbean. This place can be very dangerous for beginning pirates.
- The catacombs, or more specifically known as the catacombs subrails, are vast planetary structures that were used by Mar and the Precursors to travel deep underground. Jak used them in order to access both the eco mine and the Precursor core in Jak 3. It is unknown if there were more or where they led, but they appeared to have been built wherever they were rendered necessary. They consist of large underground tunnels constructed with Precursor metal plates, cables, shields, lighted structures, and various defenses (such as rotating laser beams and small automatic turrets), appearing to possibly remain somewhat unfinished, having gaps and/or a complete lack of structure in some parts. They are traversed with catacombs rail riders.
- According to Kreisau Circle members from Wulfburg, these catacombs run a great distance under the village, ultimately leading to an ancient church that is no longer accessible by normal means. Helga von Bulow is reported to be there now, with a large contingent of her "Elite Guard" and a team of scientists from the SS Paranormal Division.
- the Catacombs are the ancient burial ground of the Dragon Confederation, more specifically, the dead of Warfang, the country's capital city. the burial ground is a complex of groin-vaulted rooms which are carved deep into Tall plains, thereby belying the atlowa homeland. The underground complex consists of several levels, the bottom one being heavily damaged during an attack on the catacombs by the Golem of the Deep, rendering the upper levels unstable. though Cynder, the queen of the dragon confederation will attempt to have the complex repaired, the bottom level had became so destabilized, that it collapsed and nearly killed her and spiril. there are others, though not as unstable, and some of them are on earth, but are still dangerous. the primary platform contains a picture of her in t
- In the City of Neftet, four portals can be found that are all called "Ancient Portal". They do, however, lead to different dungeons:
* 20.7S, 7.5E - Ancient Portal
* 20.5S, 7.6E - Ancient Portal (top of the building)
* 20.7S, 7.6E - Ancient Portal
* 21.0S, 7.5E - Ancient Portal All these dungeons hold Catacombs portals. In three of the four dungeons, these portals lead to another section with similar creatures. In one dungeon, 21.0S, 7.5E - Ancient Portal, the Catacombs portals portal you back to the beginning of the dungeon. For the different dungeons, see:
- Catacombs is the 99th level in Chip's Challenge 1. With the exceptions of different lock colors, a hidden pair of flippers at (5, 13) which allow Chip to escape in Lynx (as blue keys are erased by blocks), and a blue key and free block on the top to allow Chip to move to the next room, Catacombs is completely symmetrical.
- In any case the worship of Aphrodite was more prominent and the catacombs were connected to the Temple of Aphrodite nearby. They housed a statue of the goddess, the walls were adorned by pentangles, spirals, murals of Adonis, Hippolytus and Pygmalion, and a cursed priest of Aphrodite was banished in a sarcophagus there.
- Catacombs were underground chambers and passageways, often beneath a religious establishment and usually having a religious function, such as the storage of relics or sainted bodies. In 2151 Trip Tucker used a transmittor in the catacombs hidden beneath P'Jem to contact the Enterprise after the landing party's communicators had been destroyed by Thy'lek Shran. Later Jonathan Archer defused the stand-off with the Andorians by discovering within a nearby reliquary the entrance to a massive subsurface sensor array. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
- The Upper Catacombs can be entered from the Cemetery. They are also the best built part of the whole complex, but the floor in some sections can collapse, causing the victim to fall into lava. The Birthplace of Moriens is located in the vast complex, while other ways lead to the tests of the Necromancers, to the caves of Stone Cove and to the Lower Catacombs. The Lower Catacombs are not as vastly built as the Upper, however they are filled with traps to keep away looters. Access to the Ultima VIII Cheat Room is located there as well. The Lower Catacombs give access to the Pit of Death.
- A network of rooms, corridors and burial chambers in the Underground Caverns beneath Marcuria, accessed by a door that opens with a magical four-tone melody. April Ryan uses the Catacombs to follow the Prophet, because they extend beneath the floodwater in the underground caverns that he traverses with a boat. It isn't clear if the Catacombs that April traverses are the only burial grounds in the caves, but one of the song titles for Dreamfall hints otherwise. It is possible the ruins in the caverns comprise one enormous necropolis.