| - A sub-trope of Grandparental Obliviousness. Basically, if you see a senior citizen in a TV show, most likely, he's either already napping or going to be in a few minutes. And, due to Finagle's Law, it will always be right when he's supposed to be keeping an eye, on something, or about to ... tell ... ... you ... zzz ...
| - A sub-trope of Grandparental Obliviousness. Basically, if you see a senior citizen in a TV show, most likely, he's either already napping or going to be in a few minutes. And, due to Finagle's Law, it will always be right when he's supposed to be keeping an eye, on something, or about to ... tell ... ... you ... zzz ... Huh? Wha? Oh, right. There are some elders who can escape this inconvenience. Evil Old Folks tend to be exempt from this rule, as are women in general. Maybe they just drink a lot of coffee. Needless to say, this is an Elderly Trope. It is also more likely to appear in a Comedy Trope. In real life, several studies have suggested that people actually need less sleep as they grow older. This trope does reflect Truth in Television to some extent, though, as older people often tend to go to sleep earlier than younger adults, and some sleep disorders that can cause daytime dozing, such as sleep apnea and insomnia, are more likely to gradually develop over the course of a lifetime.