The fifth season of the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series debuted on September 29, 2012. The season was first confirmed to be in development in December 2011. Unlike the series' four previous seasons, which aired on Friday nights in prime time at 9:00 p.m. ET, Season Five aired on Saturday mornings at 9:30 a.m. ET. Also unlike previous seasons, Season Five consisted of only twenty episodes. It was the final season of the series to be broadcast on Cartoon Network.
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| - The Clone Wars: Season Five
| - The fifth season of the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series debuted on September 29, 2012. The season was first confirmed to be in development in December 2011. Unlike the series' four previous seasons, which aired on Friday nights in prime time at 9:00 p.m. ET, Season Five aired on Saturday mornings at 9:30 a.m. ET. Also unlike previous seasons, Season Five consisted of only twenty episodes. It was the final season of the series to be broadcast on Cartoon Network.
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Season name
| - The Clone Wars: Season Five
| - Star Wars: The Clone Wars
| - The Clone Wars: Season Five
| - Watch "Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5 Trailer"
- Watch "Republic Commando: TCW Season 5 Clip" - The Clone Wars
- Watch "Your Funeral: TCW Season 5 Clip" - The Clone Wars
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5 and Nationwide Syndication
Preceded By
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| - Пятый сезон мультсериала «Звёздные войны: Войны клонов»
Num episodes
| - 20(xsd:integer)
- 23(xsd:integer)
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First Aired
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| - The Clone Wars: Quinta Temporada
| - The Clone Wars: Temporada Cinco
| - watch/tcw_season5_trailer.html
- news/the_clone_wars_season5_and_syndication.html
- watch/tcw_season5_cvi_trailer.html
- watch/tcw_your_funeral_clip.html
- watch/the_clone_wars_season5_republic_commando.html
Last Aired
| - 2013-03-02(xsd:date)
- 2013-03-23(xsd:date)
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Followed By
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| - The fifth season of the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series debuted on September 29, 2012. The season was first confirmed to be in development in December 2011. Unlike the series' four previous seasons, which aired on Friday nights in prime time at 9:00 p.m. ET, Season Five aired on Saturday mornings at 9:30 a.m. ET. Also unlike previous seasons, Season Five consisted of only twenty episodes. It was the final season of the series to be broadcast on Cartoon Network. Before it began airing, Hasbro suggested that Season Five would be the last season of The Clone Wars. Supervising Director Dave Filoni disputed this claim at the time, and in Star Wars Insider 137, he reiterated his intention to keep making the show as long as people were watching. He also announced that his staff had begun working on scripts and designs for a sixth season. However, the series was canceled after Season Five, with thirteen remaining episodes that had been in development being released as The Lost Missions on March 7, 2014. In the fourteenth episode, "Eminence," Cartoon Network censored the scene when Savage Opress decapitates several Black Sun leaders. However, it was confirmed that the full scene would be visible on the Blu-Ray edition of the series. A scene from "Shades of Reason" was also censored, when Darth Maul decapitates Pre Vizsla, and his head rolls down on the stairs of the throne room of Sundari Royal Palace.
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