| - In a way, this makes them similar to the Irumok, as both races require environmental suits to live off of their homeworlds - However, due to slight differences in the nature of their living requirements, Corbanites have learned to build small, sustained habitats where they don't need their suits. One Corbanite named Gurruno, old friend of "Hot Ice" Hilda, owns the space station Blue Heaven.
| - In a way, this makes them similar to the Irumok, as both races require environmental suits to live off of their homeworlds - However, due to slight differences in the nature of their living requirements, Corbanites have learned to build small, sustained habitats where they don't need their suits. Physically, Corbanites are slightly weaker and less agile than the average human - However, they are remarkably intelligent and inventive, capable of quickly figuring out how nearly any kind of machine works in a matter of minutes to hours. Avid merchants and mechanics, Corbanites are very engaged in interstellar commerce. They are also close allies of mankind, and get along very well living with humans. One Corbanite named Gurruno, old friend of "Hot Ice" Hilda, owns the space station Blue Heaven.