| - The first civilization to rise in Europe was Ancient Greece, which to a large extent set basis to later European culture. The Roman Empire once dominated the southernmost parts of Europe, and the Germanic and Slavonic tribes dwelt in northern and eastern Europe. The Germanic Viking civilization flourished in Scandinavia. Western and mainland Europe, on the other hand, being mostly inhabited by the Celtic peoples, were dominated by the Celts throughout most of the history. The Celtic Balkans once were dominated by the Slavonic-influenced Turkic tribe of Bulgarians, and the Khazars established a strong empire in the central parts of Europe, which later dissolved.
| - The first civilization to rise in Europe was Ancient Greece, which to a large extent set basis to later European culture. The Roman Empire once dominated the southernmost parts of Europe, and the Germanic and Slavonic tribes dwelt in northern and eastern Europe. The Germanic Viking civilization flourished in Scandinavia. Western and mainland Europe, on the other hand, being mostly inhabited by the Celtic peoples, were dominated by the Celts throughout most of the history. The Celtic Balkans once were dominated by the Slavonic-influenced Turkic tribe of Bulgarians, and the Khazars established a strong empire in the central parts of Europe, which later dissolved. Several peoples used to invade Europe from the neighbouring Asia, including the Slavonic-influenced Khazars and Bulgarians, and the Huns, who established a large empire in central and eastern Europe and northern Asia. European sailors discovered lands across the Western Ocean during the period of discovery, exploration, and increase in scientific knowledge. The marine countries of western and southern Europe have established several dependencies in the Colonies region across Atlantic, and founded several colonial coastal towns in Ghana, on the coast of Black Africa. The Great European War was fought in Europe by the Axis Powers (consisting of Germany, Bulgaria, Iberia, and Occitania) and the Allied Powers (consisting of the Kingdom of Two Crowns, Russia, and various Celtic nations all across the continent). The Axis Powers were defeated and forced to give up on some parts of their territories by the Treaty of Palermo, the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily, resulting in a new political map of Europe.