Inside the Worlds of Star Wars Episode I, to publikacja, której autorem jest Kristin Lund. Wydana w 2000 roku.
Inside the Worlds of Star Wars Episode I es un libro de referencia de 48 páginas que cubren las localizaciones de Star Wars Episodio I: La Amenaza Fantasma. Fue escrito por Kristin Lund e ilustrado por Hans Jenssen y Richard Chasemore, y publicado en el 1 de octubre 2000.
* Gungan Grand Army
* Jedi High Council
* Jedi Order
* Plasma Energy Engineering
* Reassignment Council
* Jag Crag Gorge
* Jett's Chute
* Jundland Wastes
* Laguna Caves
* Lake Anre
* Mos Eisley
* Mos Entha
* Mos Espa
* Mos Espa Circuit
* Mos Espa Grand Arena
* Mos Taike
* Mospic High Range
* Mushroom Mesa
* Northern Dune Sea
* The Pinnacle
* Fambaa
* Gungan
* Jawa
* Kaadu
* Kel Dor
* Krayt Dragon
* Ancient Quarter
* Bassa Bridge
* Broadberry Meadow
* Caves of Eleuabad
* City Bigspace
* City Bigspace Refreshment Bubble
* Ellié Arcadium
* Gallo Mountains
* Grand Walkway
* Great Grass Plains
* Great Hall
* Guido's Tower
* Gungan Sacred Place
* Rep Council
* Royal Naboo Security Forces
* Space Fighter Corps
* Trade Federation
* Freedom of Naboo
* Galactic Republic Crest
* Great Time of Peace
* History of Podracing
* Huttese
* Karmova Drum
* Magnite
* Mid Rim
* Moisture Farm
* Natchgas
* Noeu Sphere
* Outer Rim
* Earl of Vis
* Even Piell
* Finis Valorum
* Fodesinbeed Annodue
* Gardulla Besadii
* Gasgano
* Gustab Wenbus
* Jabba Desilijic Tiure
* Jafan
* Jar Jar Binks
* Ki-Adi-Mundi
* Mace Windu
* Mars Guo
* Mas Amedda
* Mawhonic