| - 10:12:16 PM Litzi: brb i have to get the good ice File:GOOD ICE.jpg10:12:27 PM Bayley: lol litzi10:12:34 PM Litzi: god10:12:34 PM Litzi: did i10:12:38 PM Litzi: tell chat about the good ice10:12:39 PM Kuki: LOL10:12:50 PM Kuki: good luck, bb10:12:51 PM Litzi: SHUT UP KUKI IT WAS A TRAUMATIZING EXPERIENCE!!!!10:13:00 PM Kuki: /quietly laughs10:13:07 PM Kuki: /SNUGGGG10:13:10 PM Xhan: what happened?10:13:17 PM Litzi: /goes downstairs to make mac n cheese hey alex can you get me more scotch sure dad!!! /gets ice are you using the good ice? ... i don't know? is it in the bag? no? that's the wrong ice. /picks out ice, gets ice from the bag which bag are you using? the ziploc bag? that's the wrong bag, use the other one /picks out ice, gets ice from bag that's not enough ice /more ice, gets scotch thank you 8) MRRRF >:|||||10:13:31 PM Kuki: /DED10:13:32 PM Litzi: FUCKING10:13:34 PM Litzi: GOOD ICE10:13:59 PM Bayley: LOL he's very specific XD10:13:59 PM Xhan: lmao10:14:08 PM Kat: ....10:14:09 PM Litzi: ugh it's10:14:10 PM Litzi: i don10:14:11 PM Litzi: 't10:14:12 PM Litzi: even10:14:21 PM Xhan: ...we have like 3 muns named Alex.10:14:21 PM Kat: it's always nice when someone tells me that my ass is theirs for logs 8|10:14:24 PM Litzi: i'm going to use his good ice and see what's so good about it10:14:24 PM Xhan: /random observation10:14:45 PM Kuki: maybe it's really cold10:14:53 PM Kuki: or made of diamonds10:14:53 PM Litzi: ...10:14:54 PM Litzi: IT'S ICE10:14:59 PM Litzi: ICE IS COLD10:15:01 PM Kuki: I MEAN COLDER10:15:01 PM Litzi: ALL ICE IS COLD10:15:09 PM Kuki: SUPER ICE10:15:13 PM Xhan: it's made from water blessed by an albino monk in antartica while penguins danced all around?10:15:13 PM Litzi: IT'S IIICE10:15:22 PM Litzi: well that would make it special10:15:24 PM Litzi: but not GOOD10:15:29 PM Xhan: lmao10:15:48 PM Xhan: WHAT. MY SPECIAL ICE ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU LITZI10:15:50 PM Bayley: well y'know, different types of ice have different types of melt and cruch factors...10:15:52 PM Xhan: i wrote litzo.10:16:12 PM Litzi: get out xhon10:16:17 PM Xhan: 8D10:16:24 PM Xhan: kk! brb coffee fo' rlz10:16:30 PM Kuki: kk10:16:31 PM Litzi: don't forget the good ice10:16:44 PM Bayley: she's not gonna get the good ice10:16:59 PM Litzi: yeah she's gonna get the ice in the ziploc bag10:17:03 PM Sparky: I think Simba is going to find a snuggie10:17:10 PM Litzi: ...... why we have ice in a ziploc bag anyway is beyond me10:17:16 PM Kuki: i'm gonna have to do that sometime, just ask for good ice10:17:23 PM Kuki: from starbucks or something10:17:25 PM Sparky: Do it10:17:26 PM Bayley: everyone should be forced to wear a snuggie on the boat for a day10:17:29 PM Bayley: that would be epic10:17:33 PM Kuki: GIVE ME THE FUCKING GOOD ICE10:17:34 PM Kat: oh god10:17:37 PM Kuki: LOL10:17:38 PM Kuki: YES10:17:43 PM Sparky: No not starbucks10:17:45 PM Sparky: like10:17:50 PM Sparky: Red Lobster10:17:53 PM Kuki: xDDD10:17:54 PM Kuki: YES10:18:00 PM Litzi: next time i get a daiquiri i'm asking for good ice10:18:00 PM Bayley: Olive Garden10:18:01 PM Sparky: and then when they inevitably do not bring you the good ice10:18:02 PM Bayley: in an accent10:18:05 PM Sparky: flip your shit10:18:05 PM Litzi: IT NEEDS TO HAVE GOOD ICE10:18:08 PM Sparky: and be like10:18:15 PM Sparky: "I'M NOT PAYING FOR THIS"10:18:18 PM Kuki: LMAO10:18:18 PM Xhan: lmao10:18:20 PM Litzi: /FLIPS TABLE10:18:21 PM Kat: do it at a red lobster10:18:22 PM Kuki: I'm doing this ngl10:18:28 PM Kat: I have a deep seeded hatred for them10:18:29 PM Kat: /bitter10:18:32 PM Litzi: /flips lobster10:18:36 PM Sparky: "THIS IS NOT GOOD ICE."10:18:40 PM Bayley: /has never been to red lobster10:18:41 PM Sparky: /STORMS OUT10:18:49 PM Kat: I should do that, just wait for when Nick's there10:18:50 PM Xhan: what are red lobster10:18:52 PM Kuki: xDD10:18:53 PM Kat: FLIP MY SHIT ALL OVER HIM10:18:56 PM Litzi: kuruma says it's probably distilled ice or something so it doesn't affect the taste of the scotch10:18:59 PM Kat: red lobster is a chain seafood restaurant here in the States10:19:07 PM Xhan: ooohhh10:19:09 PM Litzi: so ask for "good ice"10:19:10 PM Kuki: ahh10:19:16 PM Litzi: and when they bring you bad ice you say10:19:17 PM Xhan: i like my albino monk theory.10:19:19 PM Litzi: is this tap?10:19:22 PM Litzi: it needs to be distileld.10:19:23 PM Kat: lmaofjalsdjf10:19:25 PM Litzi: distilled10:19:29 PM Xhan: XDD10:19:30 PM Litzi: you uncultured swine10:19:37 PM Bayley: OMG have any of you seen fawlty towers?10:19:38 PM Kat: oh man I have so many people that into my pizza hut asking me if our water is filtered or tap....,.10:19:39 PM Kuki: xD10:19:43 PM Xhan: yes litzi10:19:44 PM Litzi: then pinch the bridge of your nose, sigh, and ask for good ice.10:19:44 PM Kuki: ...10:19:52 PM Xhan: and then they take your drink away "certainly miss"10:20:00 PM Bayley: stuff like this happens all the time on that show 10:22:28 PM Litzi: i need a mod10:22:34 PM Litzi: i need to ask if the ice on elegante is good ice10:22:35 PM Xhan: i am10:22:37 PM Xhan: not a mod.10:22:38 PM Xhan: sadfjhsla10:22:40 PM Wicke: fualsdg10:22:41 PM Xhan: Lily.10:22:41 PM Bayley: XDDDDD10:22:44 PM Xhan: fliping tables.10:22:44 PM Litzi: lily will flip her shit10:22:52 PM Litzi: YOU EXPECT ME TO EAT THIS?????10:22:55 PM Wicke: WHERE IS THE GOOD ICE10:22:57 PM Litzi: THIS TAP ICE?10:23:08 PM Kuki: LMAO10:23:09 PM Litzi: /FLIPS TABLE10:23:10 PM Wicke: WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT ALL COMES FROM THE SAME WATER SOURCE10:23:11 PM Litzi: GET ME THE GOOD ICE10:23:14 PM Wicke: WHERE IS THE GOOD WATER?10:23:28 PM Sparky: Only the captain gets the good water10:23:29 PM Litzi: YOU10:23:30 PM Litzi: UNCULTURED10:23:31 PM Litzi: SWINE10:23:49 PM Wicke: ...oh man I10:23:50 PM Wicke: Xhan10:23:57 PM Wicke: RE: nel's impending restaurant10:24:04 PM Wicke: sudden image of Tyler peeing in the still.10:24:06 PM Kat: it better have good ice10:24:33 PM Wicke: Nel only serves the best except when she doesn't know someone has been pissing in the drinks10:24:36 PM Litzi: lily will NOT stand for BAD ICE in her drinks10:24:47 PM Litzi: she wants to see the MANAGER10:24:50 PM Xhan: XD10:24:57 PM Xhan: I cannot wait to get Joseph in there.10:24:57 PM Kuki: this would be epic IC10:25:01 PM Wicke: heeeeeeeeeeee yes10:25:13 PM Litzi: if we get an event where everyone is easily pissed off this will happen10:25:19 PM Kuki: xDD10:25:19 PM Litzi: lily: /FLIPS TABLE, LEAVES10:25:20 PM Xhan: "YEH WANT GOOD ICE DO YA LASS? 8U"10:25:29 PM Kuki: /KICKS JOE10:25:38 PM Wicke: Sean: /KICKS JOE10:25:39 PM Litzi: I WANT THE BEST ICE10:25:41 PM Wicke: Sean: I LIKET HIS GAME10:25:44 PM Litzi: I WANT ICE IMPORTED FROM ANTARCTICA10:25:50 PM Litzi: BLESSED BY THE POPE AND ZOMBIE JESUS HIMSELF10:25:51 PM Xhan: Joe: OWA-- WHAT THE CRA-- /PUNCH SEAN10:25:54 PM Kuki: FUCKING IMPORTED FROM PLUTO10:25:55 PM Litzi: ALSO THERE'S DIAMONDS IN IT10:25:59 PM Wicke: Sean: /DEEEEEEEEEEEEERP10:26:03 PM Bayley: PLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTO10:26:08 PM Kuki: PLUTO ICE10:26:10 PM Bayley: ONLY THE FINEST10:26:14 PM Wicke: oh fuxxor I need a mod too about Sean and Moonie.10:26:21 PM Litzi: AND IT HAS TO BE DELIVERED BY GEORGE CLOONEY.