| - The gay whales in Darfur are gay whales in Darfur. Whales are large sea-dwelling mammals. Mammals are animals. Gays are those who are romantically and sexually attracted to members of the same sex. Gay whales are large sea-dwelling mammals who are sexually attracted to members of the same sex. Darfur is a region in Sudan. Sudan is a country in Africa. Some gay whales live there. This is the article about the gay whales that live there. There is a current crisis in Darfur in which the gay whales' habitat is being destroyed by deforestation, and in which the gay whales are being destroyed for sport and food. Additionally, Darfurian law does not permit gay marriage, particularly between two whales. The issues of inequality, maltreatment, and endangerment of the gay whales in Darfur have garnered international attention, numerous aid concerts by self-righteous musicians, and a shitload of Facebook groups aimed at saving the gay whales in Darfur, particularly the Facebook group "Saving the Gay Whales in Darfur" which has over eight million fans and has raised a whopping $21.36 for the cause, roughly the average working class Darfurian's annual salary. The gay whales in Darfur have unsuccessfully attempted to unify into a political party with a platform aimed at bettering conditions. The party's first and only convention was held in 2009. They have stated that they will not be having another due to too many gay whales having been slaughtered at the previous one.