| - (Notre Sagesse)
* Avatar: Well, it took some doing, but we've finally arrived at Notre Sagesse. The ferry ride over was rather smooth too. Perhaps our luck is improving.
* Silas: Perhaps. Although, I must admit, I can't shake this strange feeling I have...
* Avatar: Oh? Is something the matter?
* Silas: Well, King Garon said this place would be overflowing with Hoshidans. And yet we were able to disembark from the ferry without so much as a scuffle.
* Avatar: That's a good point. I was so happy that we arrived safely, it hadn't occurred to me.
* Silas: As a matter of fact, I don't see any soldiers around here either. Not a single one. I can't help thinking this is either a trap or some big misunderstanding.
* Avatar: We'll keep our eyes open. In the meantime, I mu
| - (Notre Sagesse)
* Avatar: Well, it took some doing, but we've finally arrived at Notre Sagesse. The ferry ride over was rather smooth too. Perhaps our luck is improving.
* Silas: Perhaps. Although, I must admit, I can't shake this strange feeling I have...
* Avatar: Oh? Is something the matter?
* Silas: Well, King Garon said this place would be overflowing with Hoshidans. And yet we were able to disembark from the ferry without so much as a scuffle.
* Avatar: That's a good point. I was so happy that we arrived safely, it hadn't occurred to me.
* Silas: As a matter of fact, I don't see any soldiers around here either. Not a single one. I can't help thinking this is either a trap or some big misunderstanding.
* Avatar: We'll keep our eyes open. In the meantime, I must learn more about the Rainbow Sage. Let's talk to the locals. Maybe they can help solve these mysteries. Oi! You there! Pardon me, ma'am, but may I speak with you a moment?
* Old Woman: Hm? Are you talking to me?
* Avatar: I am. So sorry to bother you, but I was hoping you might be able to help me. To start, we had heard that the Hoshidan army was stationed here, but it seems...
* Old Woman: Hoshidans? Yeah, there was a whole group of 'em around here not too long ago. They were armed up to their teeth. Didn't do us no harm, but they were a bit forceful. They took the Rainbow Sage, though. Said they was his new guards. Most of us thought that was a load o' horse dung, but who are we to argue?
* Avatar: They kidnapped the Rainbow Sage?! Dastards! Do you happen to know where they took him?
* Old Woman: Surely. They carted him up Mount Sagesse. It's right over there - ya can't miss it. You fellas ain't plannin' on goin' up there, are you? Cuz that's a fool's errand. There ain't nothin' but heartache up there. If ya like livin', you'd best stay down here.
* Avatar: What do you mean?
* Old Woman: Climbing that mountain is like the ultimate test o' grit and the like. Every now and then some kook tries to scale it. Most never make it back. Rumor has it, if you reach the summit and enter the Sevenfold Sanctuary... you die.
* Avatar: Sevenfold Sanctuary... How mysterious.
* Azura: What do you want to do, Avatar? It sounds like a trap.
* Avatar: It does, but that can't be helped. There's no turning back now. If we fail this mission, I truly believe Father will have me killed. He's using these missions to test me, maybe even torment me. I mustn't falter. I must end this war at all costs, but I can't do that if I'm dead. If I'm to be tested here, so be it. I shall not fail.
* Azura: I understand. If you insist on going, I won't try to stop you. I will follow you to the end.
* Avatar: Thank you, Azura.
* Old Woman: I don't know why you came here or why you wanna climb that thing, but good luck. Just try yer best not to croak, ya hear? It pains me every time some young wannabe hero dies tryin' to scale that mountain.
* Avatar: I promise I shall return safely. Thank you for the valuable information, ma'am. You have our gratitude. (scene transitions to the Nohrian royals trekking up the mountain)
* Avatar: *pant* *pant* Phew! Climbing this thing really is a test. A test of endurance. Good gods, this is taking forever.
* Camilla: Aww, my poor widdle Avatar. You look so exhausted! Why don't you have a little rest? You can ride my dragon for a bit.
* Avatar: That's very sweet of you, Camilla. But I'll survive. Surely someone else could use the break more then myself.
* Camilla: Oh, Avatar. Why are you so cute?! I want to hug you and never let you go! I'll never forgive those pesky Hoshidans for making you suffer like this. When we get to the top, I'll make sure they pay tenfold for the pain they've caused you! ... Hmm? What might that be? I think I see something.
* Avatar: Could it be... the Sevenfold Sanctuary?
* Azura: It would appear so. This is where the battle truly begins. Stay on your guard. The place is likely filled with Hoshidan soldiers waiting to ambush.
* Camilla: Don't worry, Avatar. This is nothing to fret over. I'm with you all the way, and so are the rest of us. And if your evil fake Hoshidan sisters are in there, all the better. I will not lose.
* Avatar: You're right - we must win no matter what, no matter who we find inside. (scene transition to inside the temple)
* Kaze: Pardon the interruption, Lady Hinoka, but the Nohrian army has arrived.
* Hinoka: What?! They actually climbed the mountain and lived to tell the tale? Their little ragtag team is more skilled then I gave them credit for. Still, there's no way they can best our troops after such an exhausting climb. We must keep the Rainbow Sage out of their grasp no matter what. Prepare for battle, everyone! This is NOT a drill!